It’s all Downhill from Depression-ville

July 10, 2022

I’m having a tough time staying outside Depressionville these past several weeks. News on the political front brings me down almost hourly.


The antidote, of course, is to stop paying attention to the myriad ways in which this nation is descending into a dystopian nightmare. But if we all did (or continue to do) that, there would be no way to pull up to avoid utter disaster before the impact of such a crash.


So, I can’t do that.


Joe Biden’s ratings are in the dumps, not for anything he has done, but for stuff he hasn’t been able to do because of GOP obstruction (and the DINOs, Manchin and Sinema, neither of whom are up for reelection this year).


Midterm elections are nearly always disastrous for the party in power. The silver lining to this cloud is that most voters realize that the party in power at the moment is actually the GOP, whose brazen actions to create a far-right Supreme Court and to block all of the legislation that supports the American people have been working to thwart our true desires and intentions for this country.  I sincerely hope people aren’t in avoidance mode (in a concerted effort to retain their optimism) and that they’re paying close attention to what’s happening politically around them:


  • the damning January 6th Capitol Attack testimonies from the very GOP actors who supported Donald Trump until he went completely off the rails by trying to overturn a legitimate election.
  • the actions of the far-right Trump-appointed religious zealots on the Supreme Court who have overturned Roe v Wade, made it easier to gerrymander and harder for people of color and working people to vote, and ruled on other topics designed to turn the USA into a one-religion theocracy (it’s now okay to kneel and pray publicly on the field as long as you’re a Christian coach “leading” your team; but what will happen when other religions demand the same right to kneel and pray publicly on school property? THAT hasn’t been tested yet, but I have a feeling I know the answer already.)
  • the GOP-led denial of climate change has even infected the Supreme Court, causing them to give themselves the authority to rule on environmental issues (Justice Kagan’s rebuttal to that is worth the read)  As is this:
  • Too many additional GOP-led atrocities to list them all.
How Did the GOP get so Corrupt?


Here’s the background on that…


It’s time to put the GOP out to pasture.  Hell, it’s far past time to do that.  This year’s midterm elections will determine whether we will EVER be able to do that, or if the GOP will triumph and end this experiment in democracy for all time.


It’s no wonder so many people are living on the outskirts of Depression-ville. But we have to keep resisting and kicking. We MUST continue to PERSIST until the scourge is defeated.

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