It feels decadent to not have a pressing task sitting in my den when I come in here every morning, afternoon and evening. No writing assignments, no journals to preserve, no plastic bins to rifle through and organize.
I’m already getting down to the nitty gritty of being a short-timer here in the U.S. I’ve always been proactive, but this is ridiculous! If I’m not careful, I’ll be living out of my suitcases and shipping boxes by March, and I’m not leaving until September, unless I get a wild hair to go sooner, after my King’s Books gig in June.
In looking at what I will need to pack at the very end — my PC, printer, ice maker, Brita pitcher, dinnerware, etc. — I can’t even imagine needing three more boxes to contain what I’m taking. I may be able to fly only four or five down, instead of six. That would be best. (Cheapest.)
Even though I’m not planning to return to the U.S., Costa Rica requires proof of a round trip ticket in case I “don’t get around” to applying for immigration within 90 or 180 days. (Fat chance of that! I plan to apply within weeks!) So, I will need to buy a refundable RT ticket just to get there. After I’ve visited the immigration office and given them my papers, I can cancel the return trip and get the money back that way. I think! I need to check. If not, I can get a bus ticket out of CR for a song instead of a plane ticket and cancel that as soon as my application for immigration is accepted.
After I shopped for groceries and critter greens this morning, I tackled the two plastic bins in my den closet. They weren’t very full but they were in disarray and I knew some of the items will be going with me to CR and some will be staying here or be given away, offered in a garage sale, or tossed. So, I went through them and got them emptied.
Then I went through my bedroom closet and cleared it out. What little is left in there now is stuff I will be using until I fly away. The stuff I’m going to take but not use until I get to CR was put into a moving box. The added stuff only took up about half of one box, so that’s good.
I found more Star Trek ties in my closet, so they’re in the Trek room now, as are the many Trek and McCoy t-shirts, sweatshirts and NCC 1701 Medical Corps scrubs that I have. WOO HOO!
You can see part of the front of this star polishing fan immediately below
Below is the fan I used followingDe’s passing in 1999, front and back…
And now, I’m weary, so I will close for this time. HUGS!