I’ll Be Toothful on November 11th Again

November 4, 2021

Hip hip hooray! I’ll be “toothful” again on November 11th. Got my flipper tooth ordered, measurements taken, etc. this morning. WOO HOO!


I’m very much looking forward to being able to speak clearly again, and to being able to go mask-less at home without looking like a Li’l Abner cast member.


The dentist says that unless the root from the tooth that fell out starts to bother me, it’s okay to leave it in.  In fact, it will help preserve the bone if I do.  BUT if it starts to give me fits, he says to get it checked out and taken out if need be. And then he said I should, at that time, think seriously about getting an implant because once the root is out, the bone will begin to deteriorate and shrink unless it gets something to grab onto (the implant) to help it stay stable. He says an implant, all in, will be about $4K.


Of course, if I end up needing one I’d go the the UW School of Dentistry and get the 30% to 40% discount that they provide. The commute will be a drag, but to save a significant amount of money, I’ll do it, should it become necessary.


In Other News


Lisa and I are going to “do lunch” today for the first time in ages. If we don’t get together at least once a week, we both start having withdrawal symptoms. (Best friends are like that — yeah, they are!! — especially during a pandemic, since everyone else pretty much steers clear of everyone else.)


I washed my tennis shoes yesterday after mucking around in the goat shed in them, so they’re still a little wet this morning. I’ve put he driest pair into the dryer to finish  drying, but I didn’t want to do that with the other pair because they fit perfectly. The pair that’s in the dryer can shrink a bit and still fit. I hope they’ll be ready to wear by the time Lisa and I have lunch.  Otherwise, I have a pair of slipper-like shoes, but they don’t have much support.  They look cool, though!











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