GOP (Guilty Oppressive Party) Sinks to New Depths

March 4, 2023

Just when I thought the GOP (Guilty Oppressive Party) couldn’t get any lower or scuzzier, they say “Hold My Beer!” and prove me wrong again.


I don’t know if you’ve been watching the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, but if you have, you know what a slog it’s been and what a humungous waste of taxpayer dollars.  Trump’s insurrectionist apologists and enablers/fellow coconspirators are running a shit show, doing heir level best (and failing miserably) to lie their way into another win in 2024.


But as Michael Moore pointed out in his most recent Rumble podcast, the American people have the GOP’s number now, in spades, and are revolting/rebelling against them at the polls.  Moore has pointed out before in earlier podcasts that DEMS have won seven of the last eight presidential elections by popular vote and that the Electoral College, gerrymandering and voter suppression have been responsible for the fact that the Electoral College has even had an advantage.  The GOP has cheated its way to political relevance.


And Moore is no Democrat.  He votes Democratic because they are the club (as in blunt force) that’s needed right now to keep the GOP from totally destroying the country, but he’s no fan of corporate DEMS. He’s a progressive, not a leftist, as the GOP asserts.He wants USA taxpayers and citizens to have the same perks that most other developed countries provide to their citizens: universal health care as a right, a safety net for the needy, dignity and a well-defined path to redemption for the incarcerated, free public education throughout one’s academic career including college and university, etc. And they offer better medical outcomes and greater longevity for far LESS than the USA does, so what’s NOT to love?


I’m tired of being painted as a communist for wanting what every other western nation on earth offers to its citizens. You can call it democratic socialism if you want, but it isn’t even that. It’s just the right thing to do.  People deserve a chance to work and get ahead. They don’t deserve to be treated like expendable wage slaves, barely holding their heads above water. 


The self-proclaimed “Christian Party of Family Values” has shown itself to be CINO, Christian in Name Only.  They don’t want anyone getting ahead except those rich white men who have already gotten ahead. They consider the rest of us both expendable and repulsive.  They hate non-white, non-rich, non-males.  They subjugate and drive us like so many cattle.  They want to OWN us, not to serve us.


Well, the tide is turning.  They will go down to defeat at the polls or by force at some point.  Because there are more of us than there have ever been on them, and we have had quite enough of the misery that they have saddled us with.


The DEMS aren’t the Almighty, but they are the Alternative at the moment, and so I will remain a Democrat until other parties come along wth sufficient clout to give them a run for the roses. Because I’m tired of waiting for the “gentle DEMS” to grow some gonads and go after what is destroying the United States: greed, corruption, corporatism, and oligarchy.


Corporations are not people. We need to overturn Citizens United (what a misnomer, if ever there was one!) and reclaim a government that isn’t ruled by the moneyed interests.


Biden has done a magnificent job so far, getting a lot done in spite of GOP opposition. I’m proud for having voted for him.  (I’m proud of every vote I’ve ever cast, in fact.  Always for DEMS at the top of the ticket, and usually for DEMS right on down the line.) But I’m amenable to jumping ship unless the progress continues and heads in the direction of Medicare for All and all the other perks that other developed nations offer to their citizens. I’m tired of hearing the false claim that we’re the best country on earth when the facts don’t line up that way.  I’m ready for us to BECOME one of the finest countries on earth, but we’re not there yet.


Not any more.


Not since the 1980’s when the GOP started its decades’-long assault on our rights and freedoms.


Most people under 60 have not even lived in a United States that cares deeply for its people, so I understand their skepticism and frustration. But that can change.It’s up to US to make it so.  And by the look of things, the American people are FED UP and totally dedicated now to doing that.


Michael Moore is no optimist. He’s a realist.  And he sees a way forward that ends in ultimate victory during his lifetime (which means during mine, too). I’m all in to do whatever I can politically and in literary form to be here to witness that day.


It can’t come too soon!


We all need to stick together and say HELL, NO! to all aspects of GOP chicanery.



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