Alas, my baby goats are no longer shoulder-size…
60-second video of my fuzzy goats in their winter coats
T’is the season to be freezin’!
The past few days I’ve had to take hot water out to the sheds to give to the goats and chickens because night-time temps have dropped into the mid-20’s–and the daytime temps aren’t getting much above the low 40’s.
The goats and chickens don’t mind the cold. They do great without additional help until temperatures drop into the 10’s and lower–and even then they’re fine if they don’t get wet or exposed to wind. But of course I still need to go out and take care of their daily needs, which includes food and water.
This time of year there isn’t much natural forage in the goat pen (and I’m not into freezing my butt off to take them outside it to sit with them while they eat outlying goodies) so they get hay, grain and goat block. The chickens get layers crumble, chicken scratch, and table scraps. (The goats get table scraps that are good for goats–veggies, fruits and fruits). They’re all happy and healthy.
Usually when I step out the back door there is a cacophony of goat calls and a rustling of rushing hens (and one rooster) as the chickens stampede in my direction. They know a pushover when they see one. I nearly always respond with some kind of goodie–either a treat, or petting, or something else they like. Because what’s the points of having goats and chickens if you can’t spoil the snot out of them? That’s just my take on backyard pets/egg layers/brush clearers. They provide a wonderful service and I thank them in every way I can, whenever I can, without freezing to death in the winter. This time of year, my hugs and pets and feedings are just a lot shorter in duration…
My sister and I also have an uninvited, unwelcome critter in our yard. I bet the following image with be a dead giveaway as to who that is. Jackie prides herself on having a beautiful yard and garden, so interlopers like this one usually come to grief. As you can see, this one hasn’t yet…but it isn’t for lack of trying! Jackie is trying to catch it “at work” (pushing up dirt) so she can nail it, but so far, no luck. Grrrr.