August 27, 2024


The extended print edition of LET NO DAY DAWN THAT THE ANIMALS CANNOT SHARE is live now at Amazon.

How many animal lovers do you know?


After reading your copy of the book, if you  love it as much as I (and its back cover reviewers) think you will, please consider how many other animals lovers you know.  Send them an email along these lines, “Hey, I just read a book I think you will LOVE as much as I do. It’s an enormously extended version of LET NO DAY DAWN THAT THE ANIMALS CANNOT SHARE written by Kris M. Smith, whose life has been filled with experiences with animals tame, wild, and captive wild. It’s available at Amazon on Kindle and in soft cover. The Kindle version is full color inside. I encourage you to check it out!”


Word of mouth is CRUCIAL for indie authors like me. Your help in getting the word out about it will determine how well it sells.


Pretty please? Early adopters of AI have SEVERELY crippled my copy (sales) and content-writing income from business owners and entrepreneurs, so I’m doing my best to make up for the shortfall by touting my books, all of which you can find at this URL: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Kristine%20M.%20Smith/author/B001HN12DS


Thank you sooooo  much for your help — and for supporting my writing career!

This weekly blog is reader supported.

If you enjoy my posts, and want to show your appreciation, please do so via PayPal. (My email address for Paypal is kristinemsmith@msn.com. Remember the m between my first and last names so your gift doesn’t misfire. If you go this route, please be sure to include your email address in the notes section, so I can say thank you.

Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!