Eating Popcorn Already in Anticipation of Tomorrow’s Harris-Trump Debate

September 9, 2024

I am SOOO ready for tomorrow’s Harris-Trump debate, I can hardly stand it. I’m eating popcorn already!


If Chump bails, I will be livid, unless he does it right in the middle of the event. THAT would be epic.


Another Thing I Can’t Wait For: My Cataract Surgery!


Trying to type or read small print right now it next to impossible. I type fast but I’m a sight typist, not a finger placement typist, so being unable to see the keyboard right now is pure torture, which is why I haven’t been blogging much.

There’s an upside down emu-shaped cataract in my left eye and a large almost circular cataract in the right. Between the two I’m functionally blind unless I’m in vey bright light, and even then, the bright light appears dull yellow to me.  It’s a major PITA.


I tried reading AARP magazine yesterday and had to give it up. It was like trying to read through an oily window.


As  a sad result, I’ve been in an uncharacteristically foul mood, unable to expel  my thoughts by writing about them or reading to get my mind off them.




Yesterday when my goats got into the chicken pen for the second time in three days (under the fence) instead of being nonplussed and resigned to having to fix the fence, I got pissed at the goats and chased them around like a maniac, cussing and swinging my arms at them. They had never seen THAT before. My scary switcheroo really scared them. I felt bad (afterward). I have never flown off the handle like that since I was a teenager (and back then, I only did it twice, once with each sister, with just cause in both cases!).


This morning I got up and fexed the fence. Both goats have long since forgiven me, but I haven’t fogiven myself. They bring me joy, even when they’re beiing pills.



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