Doctor McCoy has beamed in from China, compliments of Tanjin Tam. Tanjim promised me a couple years ago that I’d be receiving one as soon as they were available as a thank you gift for helping him flesh out Dr. McCoy’s between-Starfleet-services background (De regaled Trek convention audiences with the idea that McCoy was a veterinarian between the Enterprise’s first five-year mission and when he was “drafted” back into service the second time for The Motion Picture) and for taking such good care of De and Carolyn when they needed help at the end of their lives.
I’m very NITPICKY when it comes to renditions of De/McCoy. I can honestly say that I have never been more impressed with a DEpiction of the good doctor than I am with this. These 2D images don’t do justice to the item. It is truly fabulous in 3D.
The figure even comes with a second pair of hands in different positions so I can swap ’em out as I see fit.
I’ll probably take him to my King’s Books gig on June 11th so I can have him pointing to my De books.
That might be fun!
I know, I know. YOUR question is “WHERE CAN I BUY ONE?!!!!”
Here’s where to order one (and no, I don’t get a commission):
It looks like it was officially released for sale on my birthday this year (or very near it). How cool is that?! (Only to me, of course.)
I’m absolutely thrilled. Thank you again,Tanjim. You have given me one of the very few De/McCoy things I plan to take with me to Costa Rica when I move in September:
someone super special to watch over me!