Dog-Sitting Today and Tomorrow

September 24, 2021

I’ll be dog-sitting today and tomorrow to help out two friends who will be away from their home too long to let her out to relieve herself.  It will be fun because I’ll have a walking partner both days.


Her name is Sky and she’s an English Pointer.


Update: We walked!


And it turns out that Sky believes herself to be a sled dog.  She started out pulling me forward as if pulling a 300-pound sled!


I quickly trained her (humanely, of course) not to do that by doing about-faces and walking in the opposite direction every time she tugged on the leash, so within about two minutes she figured out that I didn’t want her dragging me forward and that I was in charge of our speed, direction and progress.


She still tried pulling during the first part of the route, but I just stopped her and said, “No pulling, Sky. We wait until you stop pulling.”


By the time we got around the two-mile course, she was doing far less pulling, and then it was usually to “point out” intriguing smells she found along the way. (Turns out she’s a mole spotter, too.)


I think one more walk today and a couple more tomorrow will convince her that walking with me instead of pulling on me is far more comfortable on her neck, too.


She’s very happy to comply when she figures out what you want.


She has settled right in.  She’s sleeping on her dog bed right now, but she knows she can sleep on my bed, too. I already invited her onto it, but right now it’s off limits because a cat is in there, and she’s a little leery of Sky right now.


Sky barked at the goats when she saw them the first time, but I just put my hand gently around her muzzle and said, “No, Sky. My goats. They live here. No barking at them.” She’s a smart critter, and really does want to please humans, so no more barking at goats.


Sky is quite the wag-ger (she wags her tail a lot)


Tell her, “Good Girl!” and she’s thrilled.


Give her a doggie massage and she’s thrilled.


Look her way and she’s thrilled.


Say “Scooby Snack” and she’s immediately at attention from a dead sleep, wagging wildly. ( I just tried that.)




My rats are in hiding while Sky’s in their air space.  They were all out this morning before she arrived. I made them slices of an avocado, which always makes all nine appear like magic. (Whenever I feel the need to get a rat head count, I haul out an avocado. The rats are always present inside or outside the maze boxes, but they don’t all usually come out at the same time, so every few days I do an avocado-led count, and out they all come, noses vibrating with eagerness!)


But since Sky arrived at about 7:30, I haven’t seen  a nose or a whisker. Usually some are sleeping with their heads near, or hanging outside, the maze boxes. Not today, and probably not tomorrow. Rats are no dummies.  They’re survivors. They know “bad actors” when they spot them. (They don’t need any training to spot them, either.)




My goats and cats also consider it an outrage that I have invited a DOG onto my (their) property. I’m sure they’re about to call the SPCA on me for this breach of etiquette and good common sense. DOGS are decidedly beyond the pale for them.  Especially one as big at this one is.


Most of our recent dogs over the past 20 years have been smaller than my cats. Not by my choice. When I get dogs, I get DOGS that can’t be packed off by owls, eagles, hawks or coyotes.  You know, substantial dogs. Dogs like Sky.


Of course, dogs like Sky can pack off goats, cats and rats when they set their minds to these pursuits, so I understand my critters’ concern.


I’ve Been Dog-Sitting Off and On For Years


Various friends always tap me when they want to go on vacation because they know I’m better for their pets than a kennel situation. I actually interact with their pets and make sure they have a good time while they’re here.


In fact, I’m already booked from May 27th through July 7th for dog-sitting a small breed dog while her “parents” go on an extended (and long-delayed, due to COVID) cruise.  So far, that’s my  total 2022 dog-sitting schedule, and I’m already planning on getting a small breed dog backpack or carrier that fits onto bikes so I can take her bike riding from Orting to Buckley with me when Lisa and I go up there. She will love that!


Guess it’s time to walk Sky again.  She’s looking mighty eager to take another “walkabout”!


Update: She pulled less this time. WOO HOO!






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