Democracy Versus the Filibuster — Which Will Win?

March 26, 2021

Unless we get rid of the filibuster, the white supremacist-heavy GOP will destroy the United State of America THIS YEAR.


Are rank and file Republican voters going to allow this?

I seriously doubt it.

If they do–if ANYONE does–shame on them!


Read this scary pronouncement from historian Heather Cox Richardson, who is about as far from a paranoid person as one can be. This is her take on the matter.


After you do, pledge to do everything you can to make sure the filibuster dies very, very soon.


Because our democracy is a seriously fragile thing right now. In fact, we may live long enough to see it die…






It is stuff like this that will have patriots like ME (a dedicated pacifist and peacenik) seriously considering breaking down the doors of the Capitol in D.C. looking for Republican traitors who decided that oligarchy, authoritarianism and white supremacy should become our only possible way of life in the years ahead…


What the GOP has been doing all these years to thwart the will of the vast majority of Americans has to stop NOW, THIS YEAR!  They haven’t been playing fair for decades, but now we’re at the tipping point to end all tipping points: they have weaseled traitorous policies into place to take over and usurp the will of the majority of citizens in our nation.


Rank and file Republican voters don’t want what the GOP power brokers are doing any more than Democratic and Independent voters want it.  Only the richest white supremacists in our midst want a country that literally brutalizes its middle class and poor people, turning us into serfs and slaves that they can bruise, crush or kill at their whim.


What they have been accusing others of wanting to do, they have been doing themselves. (It’s called projection, folks.) They don’t want to surrender (or even to share) the catbird seats they’ve grabbed for themselves. They don’t want to distribute America’s bounty to those who are in the trenches earning their legitimate shares; they want to retain it all (lock, stock and barrel) for themselves and their progeny.


Look at the plethora of bills they’re introducing across the land this year (an astounding 532 of them, so far, and it’s only March!) to keep legitimate working class voters from voting.  These are not the actions of a party that is dedicated to fairly representing us; these are the actions of a party dedicated to screwing us by taking away our power to stop them in their tracks.


We HAVE TO get rid of the filibuster, a Jim Crow-era tactic that has been misused and abused an unprecedented number of times in the past 20 years to keep the government from responding to our needs by blocking crucial legislation designed to help us. 


They’re playing dirty. They’re pulling out all the stops.


We cannot allow their predation to continue.


If they win at this,

we can kiss this American experiment in democracy goodbye forever. 



Call your representatives in Washington DC and demand an end to the filibuster, and express your support for the FOR THE PEOPLE ACT.


The Biden-Harris administration is doing what the federal government was originally created to do: provide for the common defense and welfare of its citizens via our taxes.  They’re sending out checks and getting us all vaccinated as fast as possible. For the first time in literal decades, the federal government is doing everything in its considerable power to have our backs.


Only the GOP and its white supremacists stand between what’s possible and what’s not.  I say let’s get rid of the people who are in government only to enrich and protect themselves and their cronies.  Their policies keep us hat in hand, anxious and agitated.  They are the cancer that needs to be eradicated with all deliberate speed.






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