The DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal Book Launch is January 8-11 from midnight to midnight all three days.
The anticipation is palpable.
I’m getting requests for autographed copies daily.
Almost 300 people have signed up as “going” or “interested” in going.
Amazon is advertising the title:

This may end up being HUGE…. HUGE!!!!
I wish De were still here to see the love, respect and admiration that so many Star Trek fans continue to hold in their hearts for him. I know he would be brought to happy tears by it.
Celebrating DeForest Kelley is one of the best uses I will ever make of the time left to me on earth. He inspired and entertained millions of people across the globe.
Link to DeForest Kelley Memorial Film on YouTube May De’s gentle spirit remain within the hearts, minds and spirits of the friends, fans, co-workers and others he touched during his 79 years of life…and afterward!!! (I’m thinking now of people like Nina Martinez, Kaitlyn Conroy, and others who discovered De years after his passing and were devastated to learn of his demise. I hope this book will “resurrect that hombre” so vividly that you’ll feel you actually met De up close and personal. If it does, I will have met my goal… Let me know! Let everyone know! Please write a review at Amazon if you love the book!)