In the next few weeks, I’ll be able to give you a definite launch date for the audio book version of DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal, A Harvest of Memories from the Fan Who Knew Him Best. My friend (and yours, too, I’ll bet!) Rod Janpol is an audio tech in addition to being a musician and all around swell guy. He’s making sure the audio book is as perfect, audio-wise, as it can be. I’ve heard before-and-after samples and the difference is stark and magnificent.
I recorded the book here at home without any special soundproofing or microphone equipment and thought the result was acceptable but Rod heard things in it (white noise and other stuff) that I didn’t, ’cause he’s a professional, and he’s masking and balancing and doing other “techie” stuff to really help make the final result shine. The result is really, really fine. I think we’ll both be proud when it finally comes out. Any remaining boo boos will be of my own doing, that’s for sure–tiny things Rod couldn’t fix that no one will probably even notice!
And why is he doing this for me–and for you, De’s fans? Rod met De at conventions and spoke with him one-to-one numerous times and loves him every bit as much as I do. He realizes this is my Magnum Opus and he wants it to be as good as it can be. I want that, too. We’ve been on Skype countless hours mostly just getting to know each other better and form a fond bond that will last forever–far beyond the conclusion of this mutual labor of love!
The final portion of the audio book will feature a treat that none of the other versions have (or could have): actual voicemail messages from Carolyn and DeForest Kelley, actress Tippi Hedren, producers A.C. Lyles and Harve Bennett, and Leonard Nimoy’s former Girl Friday Teresa Victor. Sadly, as of this writing, of the many voices that were captured by my answering machine, only Tippi is still alive, which makes the recordings even more poignant, perhaps…
I’m looking forward to rolling this out in time for the August Las Vegas Star Trek convention (I won’t be there but Stuart Blair with Starship Mawson, Adelaide Australia will be and he says he’ll put book post cards and some audio books on his table for me) and the September Starkane Star Trek Convention (Sept. 8-11) where I will be speaking and on a panel or two. I won’t bring many softcover books with me — perhaps 25 of the black and white version — but if you bring your copy to the convention in Post Falls Idaho, I will be glad to sign it! I will bring 25 or so audio book versions (MP3) and will sign those… providing they are, indeed, available by then! (I always hedge my bets when it comes to launch dates for titles… after all, I just landed in the hospital unexpectedly, and I have gall bladder removal surgery scheduled in June sometime…but Rod is working away feverishly, so I expect the audio book can proceed apace even without me in the mix. I’ve done my part and he knows he is to carry on, even without me, if he has to! But I’m pretty sure he won’t have to! I’m on the mend and feeling better every single day! Hurray!
Carolyn, Tippi Hedren and De at Shambala

De picking lemons from his tree for Sue Keenan and me…