July 20, 2021



I just received word that a good friend and excellent service provider has died from COVID. I am both sad and livid.


Do you remember about a year ago when Lisa and I had a shed built in my back yard? To accomplish this, Ben Taylor recruited several of his friends (and himself) to help put it together. Some were homeless and wanted to work for pay. Others just volunteered because they knew we needed help.


At first, the men tried raising a metal shed, but it was such a frustrating build and the result was so bad (the holes were drilled in the wrong places for the shed to go together) that we returned it and invested in a tough plastic one with a lifespan guarantee of ten years.  Ben’s crew uncomplainingly did 99.99% of the work on both sheds, which consumed the greater portion of three days and took at least three trips from Olympia, all told.


One of the workmen was Tony. His usual work was as a carpet cleaner, so as soon as my carpets needed cleaning, I hired him to do the work, as did my sister Jackie.  He was one of the best workmen on the shed build, so I knew he’d do a responsible, thorough job at his usual stand.


Tony did a fabulous job and even said that the next time he did Jackie’s side, he would also re-stretch her carpet where there was some slack in it at no extra charge, but that he wasn’t aware of the issue until he started on them and he didn’t have the tools to do it this time, or he would have.


“Next time” will never happen now because he died of COVID a couple months ago, and I just found out about it.


Tony was a hard-working son of a gun, and a nicer guy you could not find.


But he didn’t die as a carpet cleaner.  He died as an Amazon worker.


I guess the pandemic wrecked his business enough that he decided to work for Amazon to get through the pandemic.


The decision killed him.


Was he vaccinated? I don’t know.  I doubt it.


I do know a number of people, relatives included, who will probably be among the future dead simply because they refuse to get vaccinated 


Even though everyone they follow on FOX is vaccinated against COVID.


Even though the Trumps and Kushners and everyone else they idolize and follow like lemmings are vaccinated against COVID.


They still believe the lie that the vaccines are dangerous, ineffective, or some kind of way to “micro chip” them for future exploitation.  Who the hell knows what they believe?  It depends on how far down the QAnon rabbit hole they’ve descended.  I don’t ask.  It’s pointless.


They’re willing to die on this hill, and I have to just let them.


But I wonder what kind of a strategy it is to lie to one’s audience? Is the plan to kill off everyone undereducated or intentionally misguided enough to watch and believe their bullshit?  Is this some kind of strange, official way to get rid of a whole lot of people they hold in derision for even believing their malarkey?


Tucker Carlson and Sidney Powell have already gone on record legally to say that anyone who believes their commentaries aren’t living in reality, but are placing their faith on their unhinged speculations.  (Speculation is defined as “the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.”) is an example of the extreme craziness that people are taking as gospel, even though MediaBias reports it to be an extreme right, lie-generating operation:


It’s always a good idea to check your news sources by typing their names call letters or names into the search field plus MediaBias to see how reliable their reporting is, and where they are on the spectrum between outright bullshit and rock solid factual reporting.


How likely are you to get COVID if you aren’t vaccinated? Read this:


Until we all get on the same page, more people will succumb to falsehoods that are being perpetrated by bad actors without conscience or morals. 

Anyone who would spread lies that impact literally  millions of lives and kill millions of people deserve to be discovered, uncovered, and barred from television, radio and all other forms of mass communication, in my opinion. They are scourges on the earth.

I will end with a link to today’s “Letter from an American” by Heather Cox Richardson.  She’s a straight shooter and a historian. She lets you know where the rubber meets the road.


My friend Tony should not be dead, nor should more than four million other COVID victims across the globe, over 600,000 of them here in the U.S.  Far too many of them were victims of neglect and misinformation. 

The ones who are dying now still are victims of misinformation. 


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