Christmastime is Here!
I awoke yesterday to a breathtaking back yard, so I took the winter wonderland display as a cue to decorate inside.
Kitchen Entryway Doormat (with and without Bobby, the Poser)
Kitchen Christmas Decorations
Critter Corral decorations with and without Bobby!
I have a many more Christmas decorations, but I rarely bring them all out. I loathe putting them away at season’s end, so I only put out a few. I need only step next door to my sister’s abode to get a Macy’s-like Christmas display, so I am in no way lacking!
And I have Amazon Music playing instrumental Christmas music almost 24/7, so that’s lovely, too.
Last night when I couldn’t get right to sleep (damned caffeine– if I drink a single can of caffeinated soda pop at any time during the day, I have a helluva time getting to sleep, so I’m swearing off caffeine as soon as the last few cans of it are gone) I put Cyrano on to see if I would like it. At first I didn’t think I would, but after the first bloody scene (not a fan of violent flicks!) I got hooked when I realized it was a love story. My God, what a peformance by Peter Dinklage! I must’ve cried at least three times. If you haven’t seen it already, I heartily recommend it.