Celestis Enterprise Memorial Launch Update and More

March 6, 2023

Celestis has just announced the launch date for the Enterprise Memorial Launch. It will be May 4th (within a four-day window of that date).


That’s so cool because if it actually launches on the 4th, it will be the 55th anniversary of the day I met DeForest Kelley for the first time, and — as you know — I’m the person responsible for getting his DNA onto the memorial flight to begin with.


Sadly, since I declined Celestis’s offer to fly me over when it was offered, they have reallocated the funds, so I won’t be attending the launch or the memorial service the day before. I will be there in spirit, though, either via a prerecorded piece about De during the memorial service, or Marc B. Lee will read it for me. Either way, it will get done, and that makes me happy.


The flight and the memorial service will be live-streamed at Celestis.com for those of us who can’t attend live.  So we don’t need to miss out on any of it, even if we don’t have loved ones as participants on the flights. I’m sure Cape Canaveral will be jam-packed with the loved ones who can get there.




I’ve had a wonderful few days here during my birthday.  My “dance card” (calendar) is filled to the brim this month with lunches with friends and far flung relatives, dinners, visits with nearer-by friends, an oral surgery date, and interviews about the upcoming Enterprise Memorial Flight launch with various news organizations.


I will be driving to Cle Elum later this month to visit with school chums from the Class of 1969, too, which will be my first opportunity to tell them, in person, how grateful I was for their support during my transition surgery (chest masculinization) three and a half years ago.  (They sent me money for a new wardrobe and many well wishes and loving support, as you may or may not recall. I will certainly never forget it!) I have wanted to go over before this to tshare a meal and conversations with them, but COVID intervened. I am absolutely determined to get there this month unless it snows and the pass is closed or treacherous.


I am also determined to get to New Zealand next year for my birthday.


And Thorsten Walch in Germany is looking into getting me as a guest at a German convention (with my way paid) to talk about DeForest Kelley to his many fans who live there. That would be a dream come true. My grandparents came from Germany and I would love to spend a week there with friends I’ve made over the years who live there (some of whom have visited me here in years past).  I’m going to get my passport real soon so I can do some planet-hopping as opportunities arise.




Jim and Lisa took me to Mama Stortini’s for a birthday lunch this afternoon.  We had a great time but alas! They no longer serve prime rib, so I was disappointed again at not being able to order it. BUT I ordered a steak dip and the nice server brought us a free birthday sundae to share and gave us another perk that I won’t mention for fear of getting her into a little bit of hot water.


That’s all the news that’s fit to print for today!

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