Busy Day Ahead of Me

September 17, 2021

There’s a busy day ahead.


Letting a friend’s dog out to pee at 1 PM, annual eye exam followed by ordering new frames at 3PM,  and a call with a client as soon as I can get home after that.


(P.S. I did my research. The best place to get eye exams and glasses these days is Costco. And since I had a terrible experience at Cascade Eye and Skin Center in Puyallup when I got my eye exam last time, I didn’t want to return there. Based on their online reviews, a lot of other people feel the same. So, try Costco in Puyallup. I’m going there this afternoon for my eye exam and glasses. The prices are also less at Costco, as is the turnaround time for new glasses.)


The client call got pushed to the afternoon from 10 this morning, so things are going to be tight this afternoon.  I may have to wait to order new frames until Monday, but that’s no big deal.  I don’t want to feel rushed while I choose them, that’s for sure, because I’ll be living with them for a very long time!


Rat Pack Maze-Swapping Day


This morning I moved my Rat Pack (nine female rats, two moms and their offspring) to a new maze of boxes because it was starting to smell like a pet shop in here.


They’re are pretty used to the process by now, after about three months of living with me.  I simply set the existing maze of boxes onto a chair (with them still in it), set up the new maze, and then invite them to absent themselves from the old maze.


Most of them do so readily, as soon as they see their new digs, but a couple are always a wee bit reticent, so I have to tear open the old boxes, pick the rats up, and lift them to their new maze of boxes. It’s no biggy — none of them bite — and they all settle readily in the clean new digs.


I’ll attach photos of before-and-after…  I should really set up my GoPro-like video camera and do it on video sometime.  It would be a hoot to watch, I suppose, for those of you who aren’t rat averse…


Out with the old…

(taken outside while it was raining, the rats didn’t do the wetting!

They use the birdcage below with special rat litter in it as their litter  box…)

…and in with the new…

(alas! I didn’t take a photo of the maze inside

before transferring them over–it’s very cool in there!)

Speaking of the new camera


Lisa and I have only been out riding once since my new trail camera arrived, and I forgot to take it that time. I haven’t forgotten that I said I’d take y’all trail riding at some point.  I just hope there’s another decent day to do that before it turns too cold.  It’s feeling mighty fall-y right now.  Brrrr!!!  And we’re supposed to get two inches of rain over the next couple of days, so we won’t be biking then, for sure!


Update: Costco eye care appointment


The eye doctor appointment was wonderful and I found a great pair of frames to put the new prescription in. I can pick them up in the next seven to ten days.  Can’t wait!  I love them sooo much. Wish I’d taken a photo of them before leaving the store…  I’ll look them up online….



Oh my gosh! They’re $138 and $176 online.

I got mine at Costco for $79.99!

(This image doesn’t do them justice.)


They make me look authoritative, like a brain-iac, which is what I was going for.  And they’re listed as a men’s frame. Now that I think of it, they look a little like De’s glasses did.  I wonder if that had anything to do (subconsciously) with why I picked them out of the hundreds of options that were available. Maybe!!

Hey! Maybe De helped me pick them out!


Oh! And that reminds me. The other night when I was in twilight mode — that part of sleep that happens just before I go unconscious — I sensed someone putting their hand over the top of my left hand in spirit and holding it there.


I tried to figure out who it might be, but it didn’t feel like anybody I knew personally in this lifetime. Then I got to thinking that it “felt” like Bobby Kennedy, which was a bit of a surprise, because he hadn’t been in my mind for quite a while.


It was a male spirit, for sure. Not Jesus, and not De, and not Fred Rogers  (I know what those spirits feel like). I suppose it could have been George McGovern, too. Anyway, it had that kind of vibration, RFK or GSM.  Good men who thought of other people and how to support them despite the hit to their own political careers…  It was someone love-based, for sure.  It felt terrific. I hope whoever it is will reveal themselves to me pretty soon. I don’t want to speculate. I want to KNOW!


I didn’t ask them anything. I just accepted the blessing and the feeling … kinda like a personal benediction.


Deborah King’s books are bringing up a lot of stuff in me.  Good stuff, and some not-so-good stuff. But the not-so-good stuff is just something to look, deal with, and let go. And there isn’t much of that because I’ve been on a lifelong quest to understand myself and others. Ever since I was a teenager I’ve been studying, journaling and meditating/cogitating.  It’s just that her books help me focus, laser-like, on specifics long enough to truly have some additional breakthroughs, and that feels good!



















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