Busy as a Beaver!

July 20, 2022

Recently, my days have been filled with “busy as a beaver” writing assignments.


That’s good, because for the past few weeks, there hasn’t been much owing to my client’s focus on other matters.


But last week I got a stack of topics to write about, so that’s what I’ve been doing. I’m all caught up for now again, except for putting the final touches on a course I’m writing. That shouldn’t take more than another day, if that.


I’m the opposite of a procrastinator when it comes to writing (or much of anything else)


Because I love to write, the moment I get an assignment, I jump right on it.


I’m also the kind of person who does immediately (if possible) any task that I don’t want to do, so I don’t have time to think about how much I don’t want to do it.


On the rare occasion when I get a writing task that doesn’t float my boat, I usually tackle it first, to get it off my plate so I can enjoy the rest of the time unencumbered by the thought that the dreaded one still lies ahead to do. I usually get one “stinker” for every six or seven pieces I write, so that’s how I handle them.


But once in a while I will tackle a “stinker” last. That happened recently because I knew I could put it off until the next day, and then start fresh on that one early to get it off my plate.


Usually, if I start writing later in the day, that’s what I’ll do: write the enjoyable pieces first and leave the “stinker” for the next day. It’s usually the only thing remaining at that point, and since I love to write, it feels less odious because it’s my ONLY choice!  I tell myself, “Hey, it’s writing — so get busy!”


That’s why I haven’t been on here writing to YOU recently, or visiting Facebook. When I get marching orders, I march!  Everything else goes on hold, except for critter care and meals. Both of those happy “chores” give my Muse a break so “we” can start fresh again when it’s time to return to the keyboard for another round of riveting writing.


And now, since one of my clients is scheduled to call me within minutes, I’ll shut this post down.  I may come back later and extend it. It all depends on what my client needs next, and how soon! Clients first, my blog next!


Hope you’re enjoying your day!


Update: My Client is in an extended meeting and can’t get back to me until after lunch, so I’m back!


Lisa and I are going to lunch today. Her treat, she says. We’re gonna hit Rock the Dock, one of our favorite places in Tacoma.  Yum!









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