
Will Your Website Plummet on Google April 21st?

On April 21, Google will update its algorithm. Non-mobile-ready sites will be penalized; some will be removed entirely from Google’s mobile search index. To make sure your site stays put or advances on April 21st: Avoid using Flash and other uncommon-to-mobile-devices software Use text that your visitors can read without zooming Size your content so

Will Your Website Plummet on Google April 21st? Read More »

Spellbinder: Someone Who Can Induce a Waking Trance

Copywriter defined: a spellbinder. Our job description includes “putting readers/viewers/visitors into a waking trance”–which is far more ominous than it sounds. You’ve been in a waking trance thousands of times. Whenever a movie, book, sporting event or other cherished activity (including watching your children play or sleep) has you enthralled and thinking of nothing else,

Spellbinder: Someone Who Can Induce a Waking Trance Read More »