AMY Ulen is This Weekend’s EVER NEW Guest and Co-host

May 7, 2022

Amy Ulen is this weekend’s EVER NEW Guest and co-host. I’m super excited to interview Amy about her experiences with various Star Trek actors, which include acting with them in STAR TREK: OF GODS AND MEN and at other events (if we have time for additional experiences!).


For those of you who want to watch/listen LIVE and interact with Amy and me, the best URL for that is this one:


The show will be available after it airs at the same URL, for those who miss the live podcast.


About Amy Ulen 


You can find out more about Amy at and at Amy Ulen on Instagram.


I met Amy Ulen before 2006, I believe. I know that’s the year I appeared at a Seattle convention, Planet X, to talk about De. She was in the audience then, and I believe I had met her earlier than that although, shamefully, I don’t recall the actual date or year now. Perhaps she does. I will ask!


I know we bonded over being scrapbooking fans, too. She came to my home once to bring me some scrapbooking goodies and we went through some of my De Kelley archives at that time, but that was later on, after my sister and I had moved into this place. (We moved here around 2009.)


Sadly, because we live thirty miles apart and she is a teacher, we haven’t spent much time together, just brief moments here and there, so I wasn’t aware of how many experiences she has had with so many Star Trek cast members. I will be learning about that right along with you during today’s podcast. She has sent me a dozen intriguing images of her times with cast members, so I’m very much looking forward to hearing her stories.


My Own Near Misses Re Star Trek 


I came close to being an extra in THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY, and I came close to working as a secretary on THE NEXT GENERATION (but the money wasn’t sufficient to land me; I couldn’t afford to work for any less than I had been getting on BAYWATCH), but that’s as close as I ever came to being a part of a Star Trek production itself. But don’t feel sorry for me!  I’m super glad that I got to be a friend to the Kelleys for so many years, and a personal assistant to De at the end of his life.


And I’m always excited to hear about the times when other Trek fans got to live out their fondest dreams and goals, and Amy is one of the lucky (and deserving) few individuals who did!  I know she will carry these experiences in her heart for the rest of her life.


I’d better publish this now so you get a special heads up about TODAY’S podcast (May 7th).  So, I’m hitting PUBLISH now and will share this in a few places. If you read it and know of others who would like to take this ride with us, please send them this blog post so they have the info they need to do so!


Where’s Hannah?!


My regular co-host, Hannah McCrane, has a family obligation this weekend. We will miss her keenly. She’ll be back for the May 21st podcast and the vast majority of the ones that follow every other week, so don’t worry!!!












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