A Question for Man Baby Trump’s Male Supporters

September 16, 2024

I can’t image how a self-respecting man, or a man who is secure in his masculinity, would be caught dead voting for Man Baby Trump in 2024.


Trump an obvious textbook case of

arrested development,

malignant narcissism,

and of advancing/worsening dementia.

Shrink him down to toddler size in your imagination, and just watch and listen to him. Or turn off the audio and just watch him. The recent debate with Kamala Harris would be a good way to confirm all of the above disorders.


He didn’t mention her name once possibly because he can never remember how to pronounce Kamala. (It’s comma-la, not kuh-MAH-lah, but even Harris might have been a hill too high to climb for him; he much preferred running against “Obama”– by which he meant Biden).


He couldn’t bear to even look at her. Doing so would likely have unnerved him further because she’s sooooooooo “scary”: bright, articulate, truthful, and devastatingly alive as no one else in his orbit is, or ever has been, since he won’t allow anyone to out-shine his self-proclaimed brilliance.His relatives all look like they’re serving prison terms with him, and some of them should be.


He’s impetuous, illogical, tantrum-throwing, and a total nightmare for any mature man or woman who’s required to be in the same room as he is.


I would throw him out of my home if he ever entered it. Why would anyone, male or female, want him back in the White House?


I completely understand why women don’t want him back. He’s a sexist and misogynist and a serial sexual predator. But accoridng to polls, if only men voted Trump, would win by a landslide.


What does that say about you, fellows?  Do you need a tyrant leading you around by the nose, or someone to cower behind while he cowers before Kamala?


Are you so insecure as men that you can’t see what a son of bitch and lifelong grifter he is?


He’ll steal you blind, given half the chance.


He has already stolen your brain and your manhood. He’s a poser. You’re backing a poser.


That makes you a loser.


Women know better and they (of all hues) will save America (again) in November.


It’s time you pulled your head out of your ass and joined them in saying, “WE WON’T GO BACK.” The women in your lives need you to have their backs, not Trump’s.


Grow a pair, man child.  You know he’s a scoundrel,a convicted felon and rapist, and a traitor.  What more do you need to know to keep him out of the Oval Office and out of your bedrooms, your doctors’ offices, and your bank accounts?


Get a clue. Your country NEEDS you to stand up against this scoundrel with the rest of us.



LOVE this piece by John Pavlovitz. Enjoy and share!



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