American DeFault? What Da F**k?! Indivisible Has the Answer

March 12, 2023

According to Indivisible — an organization I support on a monthly basis (and have almost since its inception in 2017) — those of us who follow politics closely need to reframe the conversation about the so-called (GOP-labeled) “national debt ceiling” so less well-informed citizens fully understand what will happen to them, to this nation, and to the global economy if we don’t avoid defaulting on our national debts this coming June.


  • Whether we default has ZERO to do with whether we increase or cut spending in the future.  The only question is whether the US shirks its PRESENT obligations by going into default.
  • Going into default will have massive economic consequences for most Americans: Social Security, Medicare, and other social safety net cuts, a return to massive unemployment,  and more. A default will directly impact people and communities.
  • Remember, the vast majority of Americans want the US to pay its debts. We need to define our opponents as governmental arsonists who want government (in Grover Norquist’s terms) “small enough to drown in a bathtub,” all the while denying us basic human rights and dignity including bodily autonomy, a social safety net, and equal rights.
  • Every Member of Congress must run for reelection on their home turf. If we accountability partners among their constituents get local press, they squirm; if we don’t, we’re easy to ignore. Bottom line: “Get pictures” (document the engagements with your reps) or it didn’t happen.” Visuals and stories help spread the message via the news. And if the news agencies in your area refuse to cover your engagements with your members of Congress, post the evidence of your engagement on your Facebook page and send it to Indivisible to disseminate further.
  • Choose the right message for the right target audience. If you have a Democratic representative, cheer them on for maintaining their stance on no negotiation over the default, as Biden has repeatedly done. Encourage them to stand strong. Positive reinforcement from constituents is rare in Congress, so  dare to be different — give love when it’s warranted.  If you have a GOP representative, get them on the record as opposing the policies that you espouse, especially if they are in a district that voted for Biden in 2020 or that has voted Democratic in the past 25 years at any time.

Right now there are 18 GOP members representing constituencies that voted for Biden in the last election. Indivisible is targeting these 18 as “low-hanging fruit,” encouraging activists inside their districts (and advocates from the outside, too) to focus on getting them “on the record” as opposing cuts to Medicare and Social Security. If just one third of them will agree to truly represent their constituencies and go on the record as opposing social safety net cuts, the balance of power in D.C will shift back more strongly in the direction of “we the people.” And that’s totally do-able.


To find out more about how to help this happen, click on the Indivisible link above. You’ll find everything you need right there.


This is no time to grow weary of the pursuit of American ideals. Every generation must face this battle and keep at it. The other side is at it, hammer and tong. We need to be in it, too, no matter how exhausting it is.


“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.”



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