This Will Be the Most Consequential Midterm Election of Your Lifetime — NO Fence-sitting, please!

November 4, 2022

This will be the most consequential midterm election of your lifetime. If you sit this one out, OR vote Republican, you may well condemn American democracy to the dustbin of history.


If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you haven’t been paying attention.  I encourage you to do so now.  Watch the January 6th hearings. The forces that were unleashed then are still looking for ways to thwart the will of the majority of the American people in defense of their white supremacist, xenophobic and misogynistic  “values.”

They are disenfranchising voters, rigging elections, running for offices that count ballots, and denying that the 2020 election was legitimate. They are delusional authoritarians. They are dangerous and without moral compasses.  Winning at all costs is their plan and their goal.


The attack on our Capitol and on Paul Pelosi, The Speaker of the House’s 82-year-old husband, was “collateral damage.” (The deranged, delusional, thoroughly indoctrinated alleged assailant was there to get Nancy Pelosi, the third in line of ascension for POTUS). They mean to attain and keep power by any means at their disposal.


VOTE BLUE ALL DOWN THE BALLOT.  The DEM party isn’t the Almighty (and they get a lot wrong) but, compared to the ALTERNATIVE, they’re our only hope for a continuing republican democracy.


THE GOP AS IT IS NOW CONSTITUTED NEEDS TO BE DEFEATED SOUNDLY AT THE BALLOT BOX THIS YEAR. If it isn’t, prepare to hunker down and lose rights you never thought would ever be questioned again: women’s bodily autonomy, women’s and POC’s votes, marriage equality, LGBTQIA+ protections, social safety net programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid …  the list goes on and on.


Don’t be responsible for the failure of this nation on your watch!

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