Donald Trump Has Unleashed the Hounds of Hell, Destroyers of Democracy

October 29, 2022

Last night a deranged far right fellow broke into Nancy’s Pelosi’s San Francisco home and bashed her 82-year-old husband in the head with a hammer, also damaging his arm and hand. The attacker demanded to know, “Where’s Nancy?!” and he tried to tie up Mr. Pelosi,  apparently so they could wait for her together.


(Nancy Pelosi was in Washington, D.C., thankfully! She is third in line for the presidency should anything happen to Biden and Harris.)


Now in police custody , the “alleged” attacker’s  social media pages are filled with far right lies. He’s a true believer, for sure!




By repeating ad nauseum the lie that he actually won the election, Trump unleashed the January 6th attack on our nation’s Capitol (true believers of Trump will not watch the January 6th proceedings, but those of us who have watched every minute of it know the truth, laid out in painstaking detail by many of Trump’s own “soldiers” from his administration) and he has not backed down from proclaiming it ever since.


The result?  There have been more attacks, and threats of attacks,  on our representatives and/or their family members since he took office than at any other time in our nation’s history.


Trump and his minions are a cancer in this country and an existential threat to our republic. 

Those too blind to see it are going to the polls and mailing in their ballots, voting for election deniers and wannabe tyrants intent on taking away the rights that people have fought, bled and died to establish.

Are those of us who CAN see the truth voting in unprecedented numbers to offset their votes and the gerrymandering and disenfranchisements that are taking place in many southern (white supremacist-led) states?


Anyone who professes to love black, brown, red, yellow and white people

and the individuals they know who are LGBTQIA+

and then votes Republican is SPITTING ON THE PEOPLE THEY CLAIM THEY LOVE. 


We are no longer buying it.  You are either for American ideals (all humans are created equal) as laid out in our Constitution and its amendments and our Bill of Rights, or you are not. Don’t profess to be a patriot if you’re willing to keep marginalizing and penalizing your fellow Americans because they don’t look, worship, vote, or love the way you do.


Stop believing Trump’s lies.


Vote out the 147 Republicans who voted not to certify the 2020 election just hours after their own chamber had been attacked and representatives’ lives threatened.


Do not elect election deniers.  The election was NOT stolen; your representatives were voted in on the same ballot!!!


The presidency was won by Biden-Harris, thanks to an eighty one million majority of voters plus the white supremacist-devised and -leaning Electoral College.


If the good people of this nation don’t make it loud and clear this time that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, we won’t get another chance.  The bad guys are rigging the next elections with all deliberate speed. We need to vote them OUT and set this nation back on track.  The haters need to get back under their white sheets and rocks and learn how to feel ashamed of their stances again. They are the vast MINORITY in this country.




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