Blue Tsunami

August 7, 2022

We have Donald Trump and his Supreme Court to thank for one thing: showing us the extent to which the GOP is committed to U.S. fascism.


Every fully conscious marginalized citizen has been awakened and alerted to the degree of insufferable authoritarianism that is threaded throughout the GOP.


Mitch McConnell, the scourge of the Senate whether he’s Minority or Majority Leader, and the vast majority of the GOP elected officials have been co-opted by powerful forces, national and international, dedicated to ending democratic constraints and installing tyrants to reduce our rights and eliminate the rules and regulations that provide safety nets while installed new protocols to ensure that they will gain and remain in power forever.


If that doesn’t cause citizens to turn out in massive numbers during the midterms this year, nothing will, and we will have been guilty of ending this great experiment in representative government, in republican democracy.


We have never been in a more perilous time, here in the U.SD. than we are right now.


The good news is that there area LOT more of us than there are of them and our votes still matter. Despite the voter disenfranchisements and gerrymandering that are in place in many backward-thinking, white supremacist/racist states, there are still enough of us to overcome what those roadblocks can do, AS LONG AS WE ALL TURN OUT TO VOTE and VOTE BLUE all down the line, in every race, refusing to vote for a single GOP representative who supported the insurrection and continue to spout The Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump. In states where there are Top Two candidates, if both of the candidates are Republican, don’t vote for either of them UNLESS they voted to impeach Trump and refused to call him out on his Big Lie and culpability for January 6th.


NOW is the time for all true patriots to come to the aid of this country no matter which party (or none) you call your own.  This treachery cannot stand.


Every woman who votes Republican this time has to be brain dead. The GOP wants your right to bodily autonomy extinguished. Kansas got it right. The storm is coming.


Blue Tsunami in 2022 and 2024. 

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