Walking & Biking…Plus Grounding/Earthing

August 4, 2022

Lisa and I will be biking again today — for only the second time this year, sadly!


We biked around Waughop Lake earlier this year, but haven’t been able to do it on her one day off a week, so I have been walking instead.


I’ve run up some impressive walking numbers as a result (I’ve walked the length of Italy since getting a Fitbit at Christmastime!) , but walking isn’t anywhere near as much fun as biking, so I’m really looking forward to this.


I don’t know if we’ll go to Orting today (I suspect we will) but, if we do, we will only ride from Orting to South Prairie instead of all the way to Buckley, because the second part of that jaunt is difficult and we aren’t in shape to do that.


The sad thing is that this may be one of the few biking trips we do this summer. Lisa needs a full day off every week to recoup, and although she only works half days several days a week (she works twelve hour days two days a week!), by the time she gets off, it may be too hot to hit a biking trail.


So, we’ll have to play it by ear. And we won’t be biking while Helen is here in late August or while Hannah is here in early October, either.  So, it’s a good thing I’m walking religiously!


Update: Lisa and I made it from Orting to South Prairie this morning relatively easily, for two people who haven’t been on bikes in almost a year except for about 40 minutes of biking around Waughop Lake a couple months ago.  I consider that a major success!!!




I’ve been reading about grounding/earthing. Last night I slept in a sleeping bag on my back lawn from six or so to eleven p.m., then climbed into bed. I have to say, I have no stiffness or soreness this morning, and the slight puffiness in my legs (from sitting on my butt so much yesterday afternoon) has disappeared entirely.


The stiffness and soreness I’ve been feeling isn’t from walking, per se, but because of the shoes I’m temporarily wearing while walking. My usual pair fell apart and I have ordered a new pair, but they won’t be here until Tuesday. GRRR!  I am missing my cross trainers so much!!!


My injured leg hadn’t gone back to normal size since I hurt it in late June or early July, but this morning it is back to normal-size.  So there is something to be said for grounding/earthing! I’m going to continue to do it at least a couple hours every evening before bedtime to make sure I get enough of the good stuff from the earth to give my body a chance to recoup and recover.


It makes sense to me that earthing can heal. Look how healthy most wild ones are! They never see a doctor. It’s old age or predation that gets them usually.









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