Helen Schofield Will be Here in Just 15 Days

August 3, 2022


Helen Schofield and Deborah Davies, Two Kiwi Kindred Spirits

playing pirates during a Tall Ship Festival in New Zealand


My kiwi friend Helen Schofield will be here soon. I’m counting the days and hours! We’re planning to have an absolute blast.


On our bucket list of must see’s are the Pike Place Market in Seattle, frontier town Winthrop WA (if the weather isn’t too scorching), Northwest Trek, and a number of stores that are only here in the U.S. or haven’t reached NZ yet.


We had planned a road trip to the Hoh Rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula, but the only road in and out of it will be under reconstruction while she’s here, and we don’t want to be sitting in hours’ long lines to get there and back. It’s almost 5 hours away on a good day with normal traffic, so it will be a nightmare while it’s undergoing some repairs. That’s a HUGE disappointment.


But maybe we can make up for it with a  trip to the Mt. St. Helens observatory or the Gingko Petrified Forest or a powwow, if there is one within decent driving distance while she’s here. I haven’t asked yet if she’s interested in Mt St Helens, and the GPF is in the desert, so that’s probably not a great option. Lake Chelan would be a nice jaunt with a lovely destination, too…


Whatever works in the available time we have. We also have two days of DeForest Kelley archives to get through and some convention videos to watch, for as long as she is up for those…


One thing is certain: we’re gonna run out of time before we run out of fun things to do!




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