Hurray Hurray! Progressives for the Win!

May 18, 2022

According to Ryan Grim, progressives had a good primary night on May 17th. Despite attempts by some super PACs  to buy primary elections for DEM moderates and far-right GOP candidates, the people in the states who voted didn’t buy the subterfuge. They voted for progressive candidates to move on to the general election. So, millions of dollars were wasted trying to get people to do what is patently against their best interests! That’s a huge win, all the way around!


The more progressives who get elected, the better


Biden has arguably the most progressive agenda since FDR (thanks to Bernie Sanders, who has advanced his progressive policies to a point where they are now mainstream demands), but the moderate DEMS in Congress are compromising too much (and two DEMS are DINOs –Manchin and Sinema), so we need to elect representatives who will vote for real progress so citizens will feel some serious love from the federal government and vote to defeat the fascists in it who are trying to claim our republic as their personal, privileged domain.




I think (and fervently hope, with all digits crossed — fingers and toes!)  that both parties will be surprised as the primaries continue and when the general election rolls around to see how things fall:


I think the GOP is in for a rude awakening for becoming the party of Trump. Trump’s die-hards will follow him over a cliff, for sure, but there aren’t nearly as many of them as there are the rest of us. As long as we turn out and vote as if our vision for our nation’s future depends on it (because it does!), the madman and his minions WILL lose.


I think the DEMS will win with a huge mandate to boldly assert and establish what we the people need in order to recover and recoup from the past forty years of GOP-led sociopathic savagery.  Every American matters. Every American should be eligible and automatically enrolled to vote by mail as easily as we can here in Washington State and several other states that have been voting by mail for years.


I will repeat that: every American, no matter their race, ethnicity, or creed should be automatically registered to vote when they reach voting age 

Yes, even incarcerated Americans, since our racist so-called justice system is presently imprisoning people of color at far higher rates than it does white people who perform the same criminal acts (including non-violent offenses like smoking marijuana in states that haven’t legalized it, or buying and taking illegal drugs), and since the police have been known to extract confessions from innocent people by scaring them half to death by saying what can happen to them if they don’t plead guilty!


What we have right now is not justice. 
What we have is a system of penalizing people of color so they can’t vote.


And when the powers that be can’t imprison them, they kneecap them by gerrymandering districts and by reducing polling places and voting days and hours to disenfranchise them.  It’s all horseshit. The amount of melanin in our epidermis should not dictate how the people in power treat us.


I think the reason “The Great Replacement Theory” is so scary to far too many white people is that the racists among them suppose they’ll be treated the same way they’ve treated people of color during our entire history.  And their fear is encouraged, even though it’s a red herring.


White people are just 12% of the global population, and that number is shrinking. If what they’re fearing were a real thing, they would have been subjugated eons ago.  The only people subjugating these fearful folks right now are their own (bigoted, fearful white male supremacist) representatives and the media outlets they are enthralled to. But they don’t see that. And they never will because their media outlets have put blinders on them, showing them only the parts of their surroundings that match their bigotries and biases.


Blinders are put on carriage and draft horses (and on horses in burning barns and smoke-engulfed pastures) to keep them from panicking and hurting themselves and others when upsetting events occur.

Fox Noise puts blinders on its viewers to force-focus them on the SCARY “others” who are just trying to survive, as they are, in a capitalistic culture that isn’t at all concerned with anyone’s long-term wellbeing beyond monopolies, oligarchs, and their stakeholders.


Yes, it’s a scary world, but not for the reasons Fox’s Prime Time talking heads are lying about. It’s a scary world because too many people are being made paranoid about “bogeymen” when they should be made wary of their so-called (predatory, lying) representatives and the talking heads they listen to, and the racist, sexist, xenophobic, pussy-grabbing rich white sociopaths they worship.




which scares  a lot of people who have been taught to fear (and to hate) the people who don’t look, love, present, or worship the way they do.


For the fearful among us, the good news is that “the people you fear/hate don’t hate you!”


We just want a level playing field (equity) and non-bigoted opportunities to rise as far as we can, and to vote in every election.


These two things are basic human rights.


And human rights aren’t something anyone should be trying to legislate against.  That’s why we call them rights. We are all entitled to them.


No one should be able to wrest them away from us. Doing so has a name: Tyranny.





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