New Yard Sign on the Way and Patches the Cat Update

March 17, 2022

My old yard sign is showing its age, so I ordered a new, fun one.

I really love it.

It will be here in the next few days.


The old sign wasn’t fun/funny.

It was strictly informational, and some of the information is wrong now.

It’s a lot more faded than this image shows, too. I took this pic about three years ago.



This one says what’s essential in a clever way.



I also got the plastic stand shown above, so it’s classier than what I had the old one propped behind. I will have to bring it in during high winds, probably, although  the stand stakes into the ground. We’ll see…


Patches Goes for Blood Work Today


Patches’ thyroid medication follow-up appointment is today. She doesn’t like traveling much, but she’s fine once she gets to the vet. She’s a wonderful patient. She sort of take over and presides, doesn’t cower or hide.  She thinks everybody is there to treat her like a queen, until they lay her down to draw blood, and by the time she figures out they aren’t just laying her down to groom and pet her, the blood is drawn and she’s back up again, none the worse for wear but blinking as if a little confused, but purring!  Kinda like, “Oh, dear! What was that?! Oh my! Oh, well!”  Purr, purr, purr.


When she had her thyroid obliterated a couple years ago (she was terribly hyperthyroid then), the people in Seattle loved her to pieces. She had to stay there for ten days while her radioactivity level dropped so I could bring her home.


At home, I had to keep her away from me all but 10 minutes per day for an additional 10 days and not let her sleep near me on the bed during that time, and her litter had to be stored for 90 days afterward before being disposed of. She was still radioactive enough to cause excess exposure to me during those days…


She is hypothyroid (like me) these days, so I have to give her a pill every day. I put it in a small spoonful of warm water to dissolve it and then put some human baby food in the spoon and mix it all up so she finds the taste palatable.  She only eats about two tablespoons of it. The rest of the day she might pick at some dry food, but she doesn’t gorge or overeat, and my other cats are normal weight, so her slowed metabolism is what’s keeping her porky.


Today we’re getting blood work to see if her dosage should be increased some.  It probably does, because she isn’t losing much weight.  She went from being rail thin (hyperthyroid) and ravenous to being porky and not all that interested in eating, but she still gained too much weight.


She is 17 years old.  Happiest cat on the planet, still. I’m glad about that, and want everybody who helped pay for her HUGE vet bill to know how well she is still doing as an old lady. She sleeps on my pillow at night with me.  She’s a dear!

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