Deborah King is an Amazing Spirit-Lifter

November 3, 2021

Deborah King is an amazing spirit-lifter. I’m posting a link to the latest of her frequent Facebook (usually weekly) events so you can check her out.



I was late tuning in to yesterday’s virtual gathering in Deborah King’s back yard, but a few minutes later, a link showed up so I was able to enjoy it after the fact, as you can above.


Her merry band of musicians, singers and song writers and her insights lift my spirits every time and make me want to do better every day to keep my “love light” lit and  shining.


Yesterday’s gathering was perhaps my favorite so far, but I’ve only been following her for a few months (since late August, I think), so I’m sure there are more in her archives that I will discover over time.


The teaching yesterday — about metta meditation — was incredibly helpful and freeing to me.  And the original song “In the Mood for Love” by one of her band members was among the best I’ve ever heard. Deborah King and Company is  a true blessing during these troubling times.


I’ve now read all of her books. She has quite the life story and scores of experiences that have shaped her spirit and philosophy. Her mastery over a variety of esoteric practices blows my mind, and she makes them practical and easy to understand.


If your mind is open to new insights, Deborah King can take you higher than you are right now, no matter where you are right now.


I feel pretty advanced along the enlightenment route (except for forgiveness when it comes to cruel, callous, bigoted folks) but Deborah is helping me deal with that, too.  This doesn’t mean I will stop voting for equity and justice, or stepping up whenever I encounter it while out and about, but it does mean I will begin to view bigots as “early life” newbies (insufficient incarnations thus far to help them get past their egos and fears of “the other”) and not as calcified evil beings.  They’re damaged/injured/hurt/fearful people, and they will never be brought to the light until we show them what that looks like by the way we treat or refer to them.


Love is what, and who, we are at our core.  We are damaged and tested here during our lifetimes, but our essence remains.  Evicting the ego and acknowledging with love what is instead of what we think it should be is the way to go.  To remain sane in an insane world requires being “in love” at all times.  All the great sages have said this, and continue to say it.


And I believe it to the core of my being, which is why the metta meditation she offers above resonates with me so…


I hope the above link blesses your socks off the way it did mine. If it does, subscribe to King’s Facebook page and join her whenever you can. It will be time very well spent!





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