Rain Has Turned Me into a Merry Maid

October 24, 2021

The past few rainy days have turned me into a Merry Maid. I’ve been reorganizing, cleaning carpets, and doing other stuff. WHEE!


Most of what I’ve done has been far from mandatory. I keep this place pretty clean.


But with the new chair, there was far too much stuff in my office/den. I was feeling crowded. So I relocated stuff that I rarely use, shifted other stuff around, and now it feels downright roomy in here.


The rat habitat takes up a good tenth of the available space, but it won’t be here forever (rats only live 3-5 years). After they go to the little ratty beyond, it will feel like I’m in a football stadium, I suppose, but a mighty empty one. I’m enjoying the heck out of my nine rats.


I was only going to adopt two, but doing so would have condemned the rest to becoming snake food, so I took all the girls. The fellow who had them originally kept all the boys. I have the rat habitat well consolidated these days, so it looks more compact than it has in the past, but the rats are still loving it and staying put, so as long as that continues, I will keep it the way it is now except for swapping out their maze boxes every week or so, whenever it starts to smell a wee bit like a pet store in here.


This morning I took a soaker bath (added sea salt and baking soda to the water, which I always do now since they always make me feel like a million bucks afterward) and realized, for the gazillionth time, that it’s long past time to get a new tub stopper, so I ordered one a few minutes ago. The one I just tossed (with more than a little glee) had black mold or mildew or something on the underside and no amount of soaking in bleach and scrubbing would fix it. It was the only thing in the house that made me think “YUK!” every time I used it, so out it went!


Too Wet to Walk


I’m doing this stuff because it’s too soggy outside to walk. I just can’t get up the gumption to go out when I know I’ll come back in looking like a half-drowned mutt. And the rain is only supposed to stick around for a few days.


But it drives me crazy when I can’t walk or bike. These pleasures have become such a habit that I feel I’m missing out when I can’t indulge. And of course fewer calories are being burned, so I have to watch what I eat more carefully, since I don’t want to gain any weight back.


With the Holidays Right Around the Corner…


I’m beginning to Christmas shop. I’m not doing a lot of that this year (I never do — haven’t been able to afford it for-freaking-ever, it seems, and now I’m just in the habit of being frugal) but I do need (and want) to spoil a few good friends and a couple of regular clients who send projects my way on at least a monthly basis.


Sadly, most of my projects are one offs; the clients only need one thing and then they’re gone. But two of my regulars are keeping me busy enough to not feel I’m struggling financially anymore, so I’m feeling great gobs of gratitude for them! WHEW!  I don’t think I’m going to make it into a higher tax bracket this year since the newest client is so new and the rest of the year has been beyond anemic income-wise, but if we stay connected (and I have little doubt we will–we’re already talking about topics for next fall!), I will jump up a bracket or two next year, probably. I will be very happy about that! (Yes, I’m one of those people who don’t kick about paying my fair share of taxes. I just wish more of what I pay was going to benevolent causes — safety net concerns– and not the military/industrial complex and subsidies for rich people. Don’t even get me started on that. I intend to stay as positive as I can from now on!)


I’ve caught up with my writing assignments except for areas where I’m waiting for more input from a client, so YOU get me for free (but I sure would love an occasional tip, if your pockets have some extra jingle in them that you won’t miss much!).  I know the pandemic is still kicking  a lot of people’s butts and pocketbooks, so I never expect tips, but when they appear, I get giddy!  I got a fiver last month (less than that after Paypal got its fee) and it made my day. So it doesn’t take much for me to feel that I’m not writing more for my own benefit than I am for yours!  If you’re enjoying these blog posts, let me know, one way or another  –with a comment at Facebook or with a tip via Paypal).  Either way, you’ll make my day!














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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!