“It’s Not Enough” Versus “We’re Getting There” Etheric Vibrations

October 15, 2021

I’ve been reading a lot about etheric vibrations — the kind that our bodies generate, and respond to in others.


What I’ve discovered makes a lot of sense to me.


I’ve always known that my spirit/etheric body “vibrates” at different speeds and intensities depending on my mood and/or attitude.  When I’m  feeling up and positive (which happily, is a lot of the time), my vibration is robust and high speed; when I’m down in the dumps, my vibration is slow and sluggish.  When I’m feeling neither high nor low, my etheric vibration has a baseline that I presume is higher than the norm because, like Albert Einstein, I believe the universe is friendly.


Aside: So, was I ever shocked to hear William Shatner say, following his space adventure, that the universe reminded him of death. Wow!  Just wow! But I’m cutting him some slack; I think death–which is frightening to him (it isn’t to me at all)–is probably on his mind a lot these days, since he’s 90.


I also notice what my vibrational level is when I’m with people I love wholeheartedly (people I can totally trust to have my back, including forgiving my missteps and foolishness) and when I’m with people I feel the need to keep at greater distances for my own wellbeing and peace of mind: energy vampires (people who can’t generate higher vibrational frequencies on their own and feed off mine wipe me out), people who have shown me they are diametrically opposed to the values I hold (far-right ideologues and Trump supporters even post-insurrection–if that didn’t clue them in, nothing else will), and people with whom I just have nothing in common, interests-wise. (These are usually people who engage in small talk because they haven’t developed enough insight or opinions to make a go at anything more than pleasantries. They are rarely readers or avid learners, as I have been my whole life.)


But here’s where I noticed something very interesting.


I align most closely with Bernie Sanders policy-wise, but vibration-wise I align better with President Biden.


Bernie is a curmudgeon of sorts; whatever gets done is never enough; it falls short, it needs more than it has!  His vibration is lower and slower than mine, and very intense, and although I agree with him a good 99% of the time, I can’t operate from “this isn’t enough.”  That kind of vibration takes the wind out of my sails. It frames every advancement  as “anemic” and in need of more blood, sweat and tears, and at age 70, I’m pretty much out of all of the aforementioned but tears.


In sharp contrast, Joe Biden (I love calling him Joe, even though he’s Mr. President!) has a vibration that insists, “We’re getting there!” It’s a far more positive vibration that gives me additional energy to go for the gold, to try a little longer, to keep voting and educating and encouraging others to do so, too.


Both men are very respectable and respectful individuals


Bernie and Biden rarely denigrate or castigate their opponents; they will explain their policy differences, but they don’t attack, vilify or demonize the far-right ideologues with whom they disagree.


This doesn’t mean that either man is a Casper Milquetoast. They stand up for their policies and the American people, but they do it differently.


And I can see why Joe Biden got the nod of the Democratic Party establishment over Bernie, despite the fact I’m more with Bernie policy-wise than I am with Biden. Biden vibrates at a frequency that helps people feel and realize, “We can get there!”  Bernie (until recently, when he was given more power) vibrated at the frequency of, “We need a revolution. The powers that be in Washington aren’t doing the bidding of the vast majority of American citizens.”


Bernie is right. But Joe has more “we’ll make this work” in him when it comes to working within the present “non-revolutionary” system. In his heart of hearts, he’s probably more aligned with Bernie than he’d ever admit, but he knows that politics is the art of the possible given the present circumstances.


In fact, if he’d ever realize that instead of defending President Obama’s landmark victory, the ACA (Obamacare), which was a huge step in the right direction, he should be going for the gold right now and advocating for Medicare for All, which the majority of voters in ALL parties want as one of their overriding priorities. Every other developed nation (and lots of lesser developed nations) have universal health care. It’s ridiculous that we don’t.  Utterly ridiculous. He would, hands-down, be deemed one of the greatest American Presidents if he could get that for us, even if he sat on his hands for the rest of his term(s) and did NOTHING more!


And we should also have universal free public education from pre-K through college. Most other developed nations do.  That’s why they’re pulling ahead of us.  They’re educated and don’t fall for the disinformation that far-right (and too many far left) provocateurs promote.


Anyway, that’s my take on etheric vibrations. I think if you pay attention to your body’s vibrational levels when you’re in different situations and with different people, you’ll be able to rate your degree of vibrational wellbeing. It’s a good early warning system, too!



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