Debt-Free Except for My Mortgage! WHEE!!!

October 5, 2021

As of this this morning, I am 100% debt-free except for the balance of the mortgage on this property and home, which is NOT a lot!




I just paid off the balance on my two credit cards ($375 and $150) and put the rest of my most recent income (which dropped into my bank account overnight) into SAVINGS ($1500 of it).


So…  I feel very, very good today!


At age 70, I should be debt-free, including mortgage, and likely would be very near that now, but my sister and I added $40K to our mortgage last year to remodel our duplex-like home, which was money well-spent and urgently needed, especially on my side of the place.


I got new carpets in my living/guest room and bedroom, new flooring in my kitchen, hallways and bathroom (same flooring throughout), and new quartz countertops in my kitchen. The images below were taken while the remodel was in process, so the wall colors aren’t current and the baseboards aren’t in, but you get the general idea…  I repainted throughout, got a new bedroom light, and did a few other flourishes that I love.

New flooring before wall repaint and new baseboards went in


Here’s what the new flooring replaced! YUK!

Remodeled bathroom (repainted after these pix were taken)


New quartz countertop  and flooring before backsplash, faucets and repaint

New carpet for bedroom and living room (going into my bedroom in this image)


New paint job in Critter Corral (Living room) 

Same colors used in kitchen, hallways, and bathroom but reversed on wall, top and bottom


My dad (rest his soul) built this curio cabinet. Amazing, huh?!

My stuffed critter shelf — which Bobby (my newest cat) keeps “poaching” from at night just for fun!


Now you have the full circle layout of my Critter Corral! (Door goes to garage.)



I did all the painting and most of the baseboard replacing. I bought and placed brand new baseboards throughout.


The only room remaining to get a new carpet is my office/den here, and it is still in very good shape. I just wish it was the same color as the new carpets, but I will make that happen when it’s time to replace it. No rush at all for that.


Anyway, it feels great to be debt-free. Now I will focus on bolstering my savings account, which needs a heckuva lot of bolstering if I plan to live to a riper old age than I am right now — and I do.



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