Walkies Dog-Less

September 26, 2021

Today I went walkies dog-less.


I walked four miles in a little over an hour and extended my usual route by an additional 16 country blocks.  I was trying to get it all in before the rain arrives today.


Rain is scheduled for the next several days, so no biking and just as much walking as I can fit in between cloud bursts.  Who know how much that will be?


But I have a research and writing schedule set up for next week that will take at least two hours every day, and I can extend the writing hours if rains keep me indoors.  I just don’t want to if I don’t have to, because I only want to work a couple hours every day and dedicate the rest of the daylight time to reducing my weight some more.


The Incredible Shrinking Waist


Turns out I could probably have bought size 36 pants in the brand I bought recently. I’m wearing a belt now to keep the 36s up when I walk.


I haven’t lost that much additional weight yet BUT I’m shape-shifting like mad anyway, apparently, at least in the area below my belt where the panniculectomy took place. I think the last of the healing fluids are finally finding ways out through my lymph system, so I’m slimming down there; hence the belt size/pants size shrinkage.


I’m buying smaller clothes and cinching my belt tighter almost every week. The surgeon said it would take time to see the final result, and while I’m waiting, I want to do all I can to keep shrinking, which means as much exercise as I can fit in.


Thinking of ways to Stay Active SAFELY During Fall and Winter


The fall and winter months are dead ahead, so there will be less opportunity to ride bikes here in the Pacific North-Wet, so I’m thinking of other ways to stay active. I’m leery of getting back into pickleball or other activities indoors, since COVID (Delta) is still wreaking havoc locally. Even though I’m fully vaccinated (and now eligible for a booster), I know it’s still possible to catch it and spread it, so I’m doing my part to remain isolated.


I got a free elliptical exercise machine during one of my walks this spring (image below), so I can use that when it’s rainy outside. It’s nowhere near as much fun as being outdoors, but it’s an option.




During the dead of winter when riding bikes is nearly impossible here, I can mount mine on an indoor stand and ride it in place while watching some movie or TV show. Maybe I’ll watch the GLEE series again. I have it on DVD and haven’t watched it for a while.


The good news is that, when all else fails and I can’t exercise, I can be writing for my new client.  There’s years’ worth of work to do ahead of me at ten or more hours per week, as much more per week as I want, which isn’t a lot: I AM retired: I want to spend much of my waking hours out in nature and retaining good health…


I’m just fortunate because the work I do is also something I LOVE as much as I love nature and critters: WRITING!!!  And it’s finally paying adequately for what it’s WORTH to the client. I have one other client like this who pays well, too, but the work is sporadic, which is the PERFECT thing, because the new client is keeping me busy enough to start saving money instead of just keeping my head above water financially. It’s the perfect solution for where I am in my life right now.


As long as my brain lasts, I’ll be good to go. And as long as I exercise my brain and body the way I am now, that should be for a long, long time yet!


Update: Just did two more miles while the weather holds out.





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