My Interview with Roger D. Noriega is Monday, August 30th at 7PM Pacific Time

August 26, 2021

My video interview with Roger D. Noriega is scheduled for 7PM Monday night, so mark your calendars if you want to hear/learn more about DeForest Kelley and see me looking like I have a starring role in Li’l Abner, given my missing front tooth which can’t be fixed until after COVID dies down again, since my dentists are only taking emergency patients during the pandemic.


Here are the links. Pick the one you’re most familiar with. (They are good any time from now on.)


Facebook Link:

YouTube Link:

Twitch Link:




In Other News…


Lisa and I took our first post-surgery long bike ride yesterday when we rode from Orting to Buckley (28 miles round trip).  We both did great and this morning I can tell that the internal cording along my panniculectomy incision is shrinking and getting less “girdle-y” feeling as a result of the serious “massaging” it received while I was peddling for three hours.  That’s great news.  I knew the cording would shrink and relax over time with massaging, but I was surprised to see it shrink and relax as much as it did after only a single long, strenuous bike ride.  I’m very happy about that!


“Take Us Along on your Bike Ride!”



Tammy Armstrong in Canada suggested that I attach a camera to my helmet or bike so that she and my other Facebook friends can vicariously tag along on an Orting-Buckley bike ride; Gilberto Alex Morales in Puerto Rico seconded that notion almost immediately.


Alas, I don’t have a GoPro or anything like that to be able to attach a camera to my helmet or bike, and I don’t have enough disposable income to get one.  (COVID has drastically reduced my writing income; I sincerely hope that changes soon! It has been a long dry spell for me!)


And Tooth-fully, Too …


I need to save what little I’m bringing in, as best I can after mandatory bills, to have my missing front tooth replaced as soon as the dentists can accept non-emergency patients again.  (I’ll be going to the University of Washington School of Dentistry for that. It’s a teaching school so their costs are significantly lower than regular dentists.)


Right now, since masks are all the rage (and even mandated in my state — hurray!!!), having a missing front tooth isn’t as embarrassing as it would otherwise be, but it’s going to be quite the hoot to appear with Roger (unless he decides I can wear a mask) for Monday’s video interview on his show.


The good news is that I’ve learned to talk clearly despite the missing tooth, but it took a while!




What else?


A Wee Bit of Work Has Come In


I landed two short projects at Upchuck — I mean, Upwork — recently, so I’ve brought in a big (drum roll, please!) $200 this month so far after that platform’s membership fees, additional connects, and percentages are taken out.  I made about $175 last month.


So, yeah, like I say, it has been a heckuva drought for me, work-wise.


Before COVID, I was averaging about $2200 month, I think, working very sporadically and part time.  These days, I’m spending hours and hours looking for and submitting quotes on projects (as always) but I haven’t landed many of them… so if I factored in the search time, too, I would be going backward financially right now.


I don’t even want to think about it. It’s too frustrating and makes me feel like giving up, but with my anemic Social Security check and a minuscule pension from Warner Bros., I simply can’t and still have any semblance of a decent quality of life. So I keep putting one foot in front of the other. Slow and steady wins me some headway…  I’m a stubborn cuss.


And besides, I love to write.  It’s my high.  I want to do as much of it for pay as I can.


My blog posts don’t pay.  They’re what I do, gratis, just to stay in touch with y’all.  And I can’t talk myself into monetizing them by putting up a pay wall…


But IF you’d like to donate to me, that would be fabulous! I’ll see if I can get Lisa to add a donate button to this website.  That would make it easy to do, for sure…


Just let me know if you want your donation(s) to be publicly acknowledged, or if you want to remain anonymous. I will obey!


P.S. Heck, if I get enough tips I’ll go get a GoPro and then I can take y’all everywhere with me — biking, when I walk and/or feed my goats, to Northwest Trek, to the beach, to the mountains, etc.  WHEEE!!!





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If you enjoy my posts, and want to show your appreciation, please do so via PayPal. (My email address for Paypal is Remember the m between my first and last names so your gift doesn’t misfire. If you go this route, please be sure to include your email address in the notes section, so I can say thank you.

Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!