March 11, 2021

After nearly nine decades, here they come again — SCARY “SOCIALISTS” — rescuing We the People (“the riffraff”) and penalizing the poor, poor, pitiful, misunderstood billionaires in Ivory Towers…


Can Trump’s brainwashed zealots be far behind, crying foul … or will they be gob-smacked back into Reality by what happens for them when the government finally (finally–for the first time in many of their lives) actually shows up in a positive way in their lives and proves that it gives a damn about them, too, when they start receiving the money that has just been appropriated to help them and the rest of us middle class and poorer Americans of all races, genders, creeds and religions?


I’m pretty sure not many of the Trumpsters or GOP stalwarts will be sending their checks back.  Perhaps the ones who don’t truly need them (few and far between as they will be) will give them to people they know who do need the help. No guarantees there, but that would be the neighborly thing to do, certainly.


This. Is. What. Good. Government. Does. For Its. Citizens.


Much of the help we’ll be receiving shortly as a result of the American Rescue Plan (supported ONLY by DEMS and signed into law by President Biden just hours ago) is already par for the course in most developed countries: financial assistance for child care for people who work, food for people who are falling between the cracks or underpaid for the work they do, etc.,etc., etc.  We’re finally behaving like a First World Country in this regard. Bully for our team. About time! But it has been an uphill road, especially since 1980 and Reagan’s “trickle down theory” (which George Herbert Walker Bush called “voodoo economics” at the time) and his other race-baiting and union-busting shenanigans.


This. Shouldn’t. Be. Extraordinary. This. Should. Be. What. Our. Taxes. Do. For. Us.


But it is extraordinary. The last time We the People were helped in this way was during FDR’s administration, nearly a decade before I was born, and I just turned 70 a few days ago!  Which is a fricking ridiculous long time ago!


Why. Do. We. Only. Get. Help. When. We’re. On. The. Verge. Of. Extinction?


I have never been a big government basher. I’ve never been anti-regulation. The federal government is supposed to be OURS, and shaped by the people we elect.


When we elect stewards, we get stewardship.


When we elect predators, we get eaten alive.

(See my post “Of Job Creators and Sea Lampreys.”)


I’m just glad I’m seeing some good things come out of this new administration that I voted for. I’m glad Biden isn’t as corporation-bound as progressives have claimed.  I always had the feeling that if and when he could ask for and get more, he would do it.  His legacy may equal FDR’s if he keeps this up!  And I would love to be one of the people who can claim, “I told you so!” when it happens.


The guy’s heart is in the right place. He remembers his father’s struggles. He remembers his own.  There’s a conscience and a soul beating in that man’s chest.


It’s a transformative change, and I hope we see a lot more of the same as the weeks and months pass. If we do, there will never be another chance for  sociopaths to seize the reins again. We the People will vote for the kind of government that earns our votes because it has our back.





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