Rain in the Pacific NW? YES, Please!

July 25, 2015

It rained on our property for just a couple of minutes at noon today. I felt like doing a rain dance!


We’ve had less than an inch of rain in over two months and only three days of rain are in the forecast between now and mid to late August so, needless to say, we’re tinder dry and the risk of fire is at an all-time high in western Washington. Homes have already been lost (especially over the 4th of July weekend when fireworks set dry field grasses and trees aflame). There is the slight possibility of rain tonight and tomorrow but mostly north of here (Seattle and above). We’re just hoping we get some of that, too.  It’s definitely cloudy overhead right now, so my prayers are said and my fingers crossed…


Just a week or so ago within a half mile of home most of a storage unit place burned down after a field next to it erupted in flames. Lisa Twining Taylor and I were trying to get here from Puyallup and were routed away from the conflagration as fire trucks and other emergency personnel responded the the blaze.


So we really need the rain! I’m glad I have six goats to keep the periphery of our property mowed down. They’re creating a wonderful fire break and we’re keeping the lawn wet (we sprinkle it in each are about 20 minutes every other day, not enough to green it up much but enough to keep it moist for the most part so errant sparks from a fire can’t get much of a toehold in it, with any luck at all.


You can’t be too cautious when Mother Nature and global warming conspire to fry your surroundings. The Evergreen State is in great danger this year, for sure.


In Other News…


Thank you to Lisa Twining Taylor for installing WordFence to keep unwelcome ISPs from visiting this site. Thanks, too, for installing a way for visitors to subscribe so I can send out a newsletter filled with insights, offers and other value-based goodies to those who opt in to receive it. You can find the opt in subscription place on my home page down near the bottom. When I get a sufficient number of subscribers I’ll put together a newsletter. I need to go to wordwhisperer.net and weed through the subscribers there to see who’s for real so I can invite them to opt in to the newsletter, too. That’s going to take some time! May as well get started, I reckon!


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