Image says "Everything I write is Naturally Originated, Authentically Inspired"

Evergreen Copy/Content

Any written communication that can stand the test of time — static web pages, brochures, articles, e-books, white papers, radio, TV and AdWords ads, explainer videos, and other written materials that don’t need to be regularly updated, altered or deleted.


Most Requested Services

A/B Testing

Macro A/B testing is pitting two quite different pieces of copy against each other to see which one converts best. Micro A/B split testing pits two almost identical sales pieces to see which one converts best.


A blog helps you build relationships with existing and prospective customers, showcase your expertise, and gain credibility as the only logical provider in your niche.


Use a brochure to tout the benefits of your product, service or cause while encouraging your readers to take the action you want them to take.

Case Studies

Throw a spotlight on your successes. This is the ideal place for your true stories of customers helped and problems solved. Engage your target audience at this level to win their trust.

Copy Editing

When you have the talking points, the outline or the first draft in the bag, copy editing & enhancement can make the difference between “meh” and “marvelous”, between “Sorry!” and “SALE!

Landing Pages

Use landing pages to target a specific audience to promote your product, service or cause and leave your competition slack-jawed with awe.


Maintain top-of-mind awareness and prominence by engaging with your customers in ways they’ll love, remember, and thank you for.

Press Releases

What’s new and newsworthy with you? Tout a new product or service, throw the spotlight on an award you’ve won, or report on special outreach events in ways that media moguls will snap up and distribute to your target audience for you.

Sales Pages

Online and off, sales letters maintain their status as top producers and should be a regular part of your marketing plan.


Do it right=no worries. Do it wrong= get your site flagged and de-listed.

Website Content

Your website must rivet your target audience into place within eight seconds, so it’s no place to skimp when it comes to enlisting the service of a competent copywriter.

Video Scripts

Few websites can be considered complete without a captivating video.