Carefully Define Your Target Audience

April 24, 2014

Visualize your IDEAL customer/client/patient. Think of a single individual who perfectly fits your ideal prospect. Then answer the following questions about him/her:



Marital Status

How much education has s/he received?

How much money has s/he saved?

How much disposable income does s/he have?

What words does s/he use to describe him/herself?

What’s his/her immediate goal that you can help reach?

What are his/her dreams and aspirations?

What obstacles stand in the way of these dreams and aspirations?

What ultimate outcome does s/he want from your product or service, if s/he were to buy it?

What behaviors are typical of him/her?

What keeps him/her up at night?

What are his/her strongest desires?

What is his/her biggest worry or fear in general?

What is his/her biggest worry or fear about buying what you sell?

What is his/her biggest worry or fear about buying from you, specifically?

What does s/he value most?

What magazines/books does he/she read?

What websites does s/he visit?

What are his/her top three daily frustrations that you can help solve or alleviate?

What trends are occurring/will occur in his/her business or life?

Is there a built-in bias to the way s/he makes decisions? (Examples: engineers are analytical, moms are emotional and protective)

Does s/he have his/her own business-specific language or jargon? (If so, know and use it.)

Until you can deeply visualize the person you want to engage with, it will be hard to convince him/her to come to the table.

What you offer isn’t about you and your goals. It’s about them and their goals.

Meet them where they are and you’ll find they’re ready to engage as long as they sense that you “get” them and that you want what’s best for them.

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