Compared to DJT, Benedict Arnold was a Boy Scout

October 15, 2024


Last night I created the above meme but upon further consideration, I’ve come to the conclusion that compared to DJT, Benedict Arnold was a Boy Scout.


This election is about the most crucial matter of all:

Loyalty to Country Over Party

DJT’s list of felonious behaviors (nearly 100 of them at last count, 34 of which have already resulted in convictions by a jury of his peers) so overshadows Benedict Arnold’s treasonous betrayal that it’s laughable even to compare the two. But he’s perhaps the best well-known of historic figures convicted of treason, and I had to start somewhere.  According to wikipedia, Arnold’s name “became synonymous with treason and betrayal in the United States.”


Trump sent Putin COVID tests and machines during the time when American medical teams and individuals were scrambling to get them, according to investigative journalist Bob Woodward in his new book.


The Trump administration  thwarted efforts to supply PPE (personal protection equipment) to medical facilities residing in blue states.


Trump engaged in giving aid and comfort (plus specific instructions and violent suggestions) to the insurrectionist mob that attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021.


Trump approved slates of alternate electors in his attempt to thwart the will of the American people.


Trump called various Secretaries of State and other election officials in his attempt to thwart the will of the American people.


The list goes on and on. In fact, Robert Reich has an extensive (but not all-inclusive) 18-minute-long list of ways in which former President Trump used the power of the office to the detriment of the American people and the world:


Benedict Arnold was a scoundrel and traitor. That’s true.  So what is Trump?   He has Arnold beat six ways from Sunday.


And he should never be near power again, nor should any of the 147 GOP representatives who supported Trump’s attempt to thwart the election of 2000.Click on the link for their names and states before you vote. Many of them are up for reelection this year.


The choice has never been more stark — or crucial.  America needs every true patriot to vote this year to preserve our democratic republic.  Trump and his minions have additional anti-Constitution, un-American, treasonous plans for this country.




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