Back in the Saddle Again — ‘Cause the Election is Looming!

September 27, 2024

Despite the fact that I’m midway through cataract surgery — my right eye is scheduled for Tuesday — I’m going to do my best to get back in the saddle here and post more often.


Until now, just seeing the keyboard has been a trial.


That has mostly ended but not 100%.


Since I taught myself to type when I was ten or so, I never learned the proper finger placement method, so I still look down at the keyboard often to be sure my fingers are where I think they are. I type faster than most people do, even so, so my typing teacher (when I finally got one) said, “You’re doing fine. You’re fast and accurate!” In other words, if it ain’t broke, there’s no need to fix it.


I’m watching the polls closely and remaining “nauseously optimistic”


As long as there is enormous voter turnout — which, by every indication, there will be — I feel confident Harris-Walz will win, even in most of the swing states.


I even think they have a chance to surprise some usually red and purple states by winning the top slot, even if voters vote red the rest of the way down their ballots. Women are 51% of every state’s population, and women are on the warpath against the T-V anti-women policies (and outright misogny) that deprived them of their bodily autonomy and other reproductive (and career/life) choices.


And I think (and certainly hope!) that the election deniers who are on ballots in red states this year will lose their seats (including the odious Ted Cruz; Colin Allred is ahead right now in that race) because very few voters want the seditionists in Congress to be denying the 2024 election to Harris-Walz with another Big Lie if they get the electoral votes they need to win.  People are tired of having a pit in their stomach as a  result of GOP ‘ers who remain in thrall to the Traitor Tot and opposed to democracy itself.




The Harris-Biden Administration has delivered “bigly” for the American people. Mainstream  media is’t doing a decent job of reporting it, but I can. Click the link to discover what has been done already, if you don’t already know.  


Harris-Walz promise continuing progress and an “Opportunity Economy” that works for all Americans, especially the middle class and those struggling to make it to the middle class.  It sounds like Biden’s current agenda, but on steroids. It puts working capital where it will do the most good to get Americans off dead-center and just barely scraping by.


T-V, on the other hand, offer the usual Traitor Tot platitudes, promises of retribution, word salads, concepts of plans, and utter chaos


We’re tired of it. We’ve already seen this movie. The sequel promises to be far worse, given the T-V reliance on Project 2025 and other sordid ideas: tariffs, restricting the rights of other US citizens who don’t look, love, live or think like they do. Take Kevin Roberts’ claim as seriously as you’d take a heart attack or stroke. They ain’t fooling around.  And T-V can try to distance themselves from Project 2025 but their fingerprints are all over it, and one of the authors has said T has blessed the effort .


The More You Know About T-V, the More You Realize the Harris-Walz agenda is pro-democracy and the T-V agenda is the opposite


Voters are tuning in. Millions of women and younger voters have registered for the first time ever and are knocking on doors, writing postcards, serving on phone banks, and being more involved than just voting.   This bodes well for a happy outcome.


But it ain’t over until the votes are counted and certified.

We need to keep the pedal to the metal until then,

because taking our feet off the gas now

will threaten our nation and the world with entirely avoidable peril.



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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!