Good News on Cataract Surgery, So-So News on Vehicle Repair Costs

September 18, 2024

My  cataract surgery won’t cost anything out of pocket except for the compounded medicated eyedrops that I opted in to receive ($98). WOO HOO!!! My Original Medicare and UHC supplemental plan will cover all costs.


That’s a relief because my vehicle is in for repairs right now (it’s always something, isn’t it?) and since I’m not sure what’s causing it to overheat, it may be more involved than simply replacing the thermostat. I will know more tomorrow. It has always been the thermostat before, but there’s a small leak under the engine that is worrying me some. Cracked hose? Leaking gaskets? Who knows?


I’m crossing my fingers because I’m extremely limited on funds, and replacing the thermostat and having the vehicle winterized will cost $415.68.  That’s do-able, but if it turns out to be something more than that, the price could rise, perhaps even skyrocket to a point where I can’t afford to have it repaired, at which time I will become vehicle-less entirely.


My sister has a car and my friends can drive me places (infrequently), but other than that, I’d be on foot forevermore.  And that’s a bothersome thought that I am evicting from my mind, to keep from catastrophic thinking. Most of what we fret about never happens.


In Other News…


The six new chicks are three and four weeks old, or thereabout, in various stages of feathering out.They’re staying warm and cozy in the garage in their feeder trough, even though they’re big enough to hop and fly out now very easily. But it’s cool and dark in the garage so they stay inside near the heater.


I’ve prepared a place for them for a couple weeks from now, out in the hen pen, because I won’t be able to lift much after cataract surgery for a while, so I’m prepping everything ahead of time so it will be easy to transfer them  when they’re ready.


I guess thats all the news that’s worthwhile to print for now. Carry on with your day!

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