Don’t Get Complacent — The GOP Losers Can Still Win! Pitch In To Defeat Project 2025!

August 22, 2024

Don’t get complacent. The GOP can still win, according to NPR Radio. The GOP only needs 46% of the vote because of the Electoral College. DEMs need at least 52%, including several swing states.


Coming off the “high” of a joyous, compelling Democratic National Convention, it’s tempting to believe that we have this one in the bag. We don’t.  The GOP is purging voters; it has gerrymandered districts, and it has the Electoral College as its champion. It remains an uphill battle to win against the “powers and principalities” arrayed against the present Harris/Walz/DEM juggernaut.  We forget this at our peril.


If Democracy is to survive, we HAVE TO win this one. Period!


I know the polls look good now for Harris/Walz, and will likely improve further when Harris debates The Orange Menace on September 10th (if TFG has the guts to show up) and Walz debates JD Vance, and as T’s  already adjudged  34-count felony lawsuit gets laid wide open for all to see by Jack Smith during the upcoming evidentiary procedure that shows additional ways in which he tried to thwart the expresss will of American voters (encouraging the January 6th insurrection, calling a Georgia official to “find” additional votes and officials in other states to throw a monky wrench into their electoral process post-election, orchestrating fake electors to challenge the official results, etc. NONE of which could be remotely classified as “official” POTUS duties).


But the vast majority of voters (Independents and undecideds) are just now beginning to tune in to the race, and to the races down ballot. These folks are not political junkies as so many of us — those most at risk as  result of the GOP’s playbook Project 2025  — are. They will need to be educated about their choices and what they will do to or for us as a nation, depending on which way they vote. They may not be aware that this election will determine whether we remain a democracy under the rule of law or a dictatorhip under the rule of despots.


What to Do Between Now and Election Day


As Michelle Obama so succinctly put it, DO SOMETHING!  (Click to watch her riveting masterpiece of a speech!) Sitting on the sidelines just cheering, wishing and hoping won’t get anything done.


Call your local DEM campaign headquarters or Indivisible group and sign up to do something, whether that’s turning out DEM and Independent voters by phone or postcards in swing states and districts, or by knocking on doors and discussing the threats to our democracy and freedom with your neighbors. Send $5 (more if you can afford it) to local, regional, state, and/or national DEM candidates via ACT BLUE or their official websites. Talk to your friends and relatives. Ask them if they’re registered to vote and if they know about the GOP’s Project 2025 plans to dismantle and replace our form of government with sinister anti-democracy/anti-Constitutional policies. The entire 990+-page manifesto is available on the Internet for FREE, so there is no excuse not to look at it and see what the GOP has planned if The Former Guy (and/or other GOP contenders, up and down their ballot) get elected.





People will want to know what YOU did to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and this form of government. Don’t disappoint them.





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