No Time to GLOAT. Instead, VOTE!

May 31, 2024


GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS, so said the 12 jurors in Trump’s hush money/election interference trial.


Trumpers will stand by their man, even though he’s a now-convicted felon in addition to being a convicted rapist in the E. Jean Carroll trial and even though his company has been convicted of overvaluing properties except during tax time, when they undervaluated the same properties.


We must stand by our present President this fall. He doesn’t walk on water; he has no cult following; we don’t have to agree with many (or even any) of his policies (although I agree with the vast majority of them). He is a good and decent man whose record, so far, places him as our 14th greatest POTUS of all time and as the third greatest POTUS in the last century (alongside FDR and LBJ for their liberal policies).


Every historian I’ve watched lately (Ken Burns, Heather Cox Richardson, Walter Isaacson, Jon Meacham, and more) has taken a stand and stated that the November election will decide the fate of our nation, whether it will remain a democratic republic or become a fascist autocracy/kleptocracy.


Every psychologist/psycoanalyst I’ve heard from has deemed Donald Trump a malignant narcissist, or worse, and most have mentioned his obvious mental decline.


In short, this is the most crucial moment in our nation’s history during my lifetime (and longer), probably since the Civil War. And voters are the only force that can stop the bleeding, the cheating, and the infantile temper tantrums that characterize so many hundreds of representatives in the GOP these days under Trump.


There has to be an ADULT in the White House. One undistracted by pending lawsuits and potential jail terms. Someone focusing on US instead of himself.


That man is Joe Biden, the only man in the race who has beaten Trump before and can, and must, beat him again.  He has assembled an administration that cares about the average American. Even should he become incapacitated due to age or some other malady, his administration stands ready to carry on his legacy of excellence and responsiveness to our needs.


If you want to know what the Biden-Harris administration has already done for you, here you go: (Corporate media won’t give you those impressive details or even point to the URL, but I will!)



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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!