Had a DeForest Kelley Dream Last Night

February 19, 2024

I had a DeForest Kelley dream last night, the first in a very long time. It was wonderful. I got to hang out with some of his friends.


I don’t recall a lot of details, but several of his friends were at my place looking over my Kelley archives, and they asked if I had any candid videos of him as himself, not in a role. I said I had videos of him at various conventions. They thought they had seen most of those on YouTube or elsewhere, but I decided to dig out some of mine and just pop one of them in.


What popped up was what appeared to be a previously unknown (to me) video of him on what looked to be someone’s ranch. In it, he — the real De, not a character –was talking to someone “off camera”  and I was flabbergasted. I said, “I have never seen this before and didn’t even know I had it. Maybe one of you is even in it!”


As De continued to talk, he segued into what seemed to be a reprise of his role of Toby Jack Saunders — a real sidewinder of a heavy — the personification of depravity. He appeard to be “showing” someone (still offscreen) what a good actor he was, because in the part before he transformed, he was just soft-spoken, kindly, gentlemanly, friendly De Kelley.


That’s the only part of the dream I recall except that, after we all watched that, his friends wanted to know if I was willing to part with any of my De archive collection, and I said no. Then I thought, if anyone ought to have it, these folks do, so I pulled out the massive three-ring binder about his entire career and we started to go through it to see if there was anything they wanted.  That’s how the dream ended.




Before going to sleep last night, I asked Alexa to play instrumental meditation music. What came on first was a  lady’s voice helping me drift off to restful, peaceful sleep (despite two cats vying for quality time with me).  And I had just finished reading the first book by Niebauer ( I wrote about his books in yesterday’s post), so I was in a contemplative mood to begin with.  But I slept like a baby all night long  for nine hours and had this wonderful dream about De and his friends.


I think I’m gonna do the same thing every night and see what dreams may come!


Neibauer’s books have really helped me separate myself from my left brain shenanigans.  I feel like an entirely different person. It’s lovely.  I can hear the consciousness that has been the essential messenger for all eternity more clearly.  I feel in love with the universe. The other stuff that isn’t love-based, I have ceased to fret about or pay attention to as much. I’m more in the now than I ever have been in my life, I think!


I wonder if this is what being high on drugs is like?  If so, it’s no wonder people get addicted. I’m addicted already! What a magnificent thing unsullied consciousness is!





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