I’m on a Spaghetti Kick

February 15, 2024

I’m on a spaghetti kick right now, which is weird.


I’m not a big fan of tomato sauce or Italian food.


But my taste buds are demanding spaghetti right now!  And I have heard it’s important to pay attention to odd cravings like this.


The brand I buy at Winco is made with seminola, so I looked up its nutritional value, and bingo!  It has lots of good stuff in it when it comes to what I need to remain healthy.


Sometimes I get “called” by tuna, or salmon, too.  Whenever that happens, I pay attention, and obey.  Maybe that’s why I’m so freaking healthy at almost 73.




I turn 73 on March 5th.  I’ll spend most of the subsequent two weeks in New Zealand. That’ll be a novel experience! I’m finally getting out of the U.S. for a decent span of time.  Just imagine it: NO POLITICS for two weeks. NO WORK for two weeks.  All fun and games, rest and relaxation, with a few outings and some beach-hopping for two weeks.


I even bought a new game to play during some of our down time, if it will fit into my luggage.  It’s in a 4″ x 4″ x 5″ (almost a cube) box, so it should.



There was a similar game I saw on Facebook but it was more expensive, and this one gets great reviews, so I settled for it.  We’ll see how it goes, if we even play it while Lisa and I are in NZ!




Tomorrow Lisa and I get our taxes done. With any luck at all, we’ll both be getting refunds.  I’m always on pins and needles until I know for sure, though.  


There isn’t much else to report, and what I reported above is far from earth-shaking, but the earth is shaken enough right now, so this is more-or-less what passes as an average day for me. I just sit here and keep looking for writing work!



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