2024 is a Federal Election Year

December 23, 2023

’24 is a big election year. I will be going into “political mode” then to influence as many people as I can to vote blue.




That’s right. I will not be mentioning The Former Guy at all. He will have enough bad publicity in 2024– given his many trials and 91 felony charges– without my help. He has made that bed and he will have to lie in it.  So let’s simply observe as he flails and fails without weighing in on it like someone addicted to  drugs.  Trump supporters will never change. There are far fewer of them than there are of us. They’re just noisier and far more prone to insurrection than we are.


Instead, I will be explaining why Biden-Harris have earned another term.  It will be positive. It won’t be depressing. It won’t include any lies or misrepresentations; it will include specific details of the policies they have promoted.


I hope you will share the posts with as many people as you can, and that you will engage in some other way to help ensure a Biden-Harris/BLUE DOWN THE BALLOT TSUNAMI.


Other ways to help in addition to voting and sharing these posts:


Write postcards to infrequent voters in states that are deal-makers and deal-breakers for democratic candidates.  You can join postcard writing campaigns (and other civic actions) at your local (or the national) INDIVISIBLE group. To find your local group, google Indivisible+your city or Indivisible+your nearby large city or your county. Indivisible also organizes doorbelling and phone campaigns — for those of you who love to interact with people face-to-face or voice-to-voice — and texting campaigns for those of you who prefer texting as a virtual encounter.


Volunteer to drive people to the polls if you live in a state that doesn’t have mail-in voting options.


Encourage DEM voters and likely DEM voters to register to vote and/or to check their voting registrations to make sure they haven’t been purged from the voting records in states that are actively doing so.  (Mississippi has purged an obscene 41% of its voters, most of them people of color and/or women.) Click on the link to learn which states are doing this. You won’t be surprised to see that a great many are in the South and the others are in competitive swing states where voter turnout will determine for the entire nation who gets to be POTUS and VPOTUS.


Write to your representatives in Congress asking them to support a Constitutional amendment to eliminate the Electoral College so that one voter+one vote (popular election) becomes the default operating system. Without the Electoral College, we never would have seen G.W. Bush or The Former Guy in the White House at all. (Historical Note: G.W. Bush was put into the White House by the conservative Supreme Court, not by American voters, as you may or may not recall.)


Donate to progressive Democratic candidates’  campaigns in swing states who aren’t as well funded as DNC-backed candidates. AOC, Bernie Sanders and other came to national prominence and power because of small-donation contributors. They didn’t rely on super PACs for their funding; they relied on kindred spirits who believed in their policies to better the lives of marginalized (non-white, anti-White Supremacist) Americans.



“Don’t compare me the The Almighty.

Compare me to the alternative.”

Joe Biden







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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!